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pre july 09

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In Folder: Miscellaneous

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Talk on Colossians 3 regarding the transformed Christian life., DUPLICATES OF FILES ABOVE

31/10/2008 12:00:00 AM

Talk on 1 Corinthians and why the resurrection of the dead is essential to the Christian message., DUPLICATES OF FILES ABOVE

28/10/2008 12:00:00 AM

Talk on Luke 16 and how we use our possessions now, in light of the coming Kingdom of God.


Exposition of the lady who annoints Jesus during the Passover/Lord's Supper. He then uses Mary and Peter as examples for normal, healthy Christians., DUPLICATE OF pre july 09\MOORE002.MP3

2000-01-01/ 2010-12-31

Lecturer explores the hero of the passion or the suffering from Matthew 26., DUPLICATE TALK OF MOORE001.MP3 - THIS RECORDING INCUDES SONGS SUNG AT THE CHAPEL SERVICE Date based on the rise of 'Beautiful Saviour'

2000-01-01/ 2010-12-31

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