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Letters and autographs collected by Rev Canon Simon Manchester

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Collections

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Envelope of a letter to a wealthy patron, John Gisborne, on livings.


Page 1 of a note to Mr Brown.


Page 2 of a note to Mr Brown.


Page 3 of a note to Mr Brown.


Page 1 of a fundraising brochure, in which Charles Simeon's letters appealing for donations for clergy livings are reprinted.


Page 2 of a fundraising brochure, in which Charles Simeon's letters appealing for donations for clergy livings are reprinted.


Page 3 of a fundraising brochure, in which Charles Simeon's letters appealing for donations for clergy livings are reprinted.


Letter from Scottish minister Alexander Maclaren to Mr Macmillan, written in Manchester, making arrangements to meet and mentioning a church in Bristol.


Engraved portrait of William Wilberforce, engraved by T. Blood for the European Magazine from an original painting by Russell R.A. Published by J. Asperne, Londond, 1st Nov. 1814.


Page 1 of a letter from William Wilberforce to Rev Dr Steinkoff, explaining that the enclosure had fallen out of Steinkoff's letter so that he does not know to whom to address the recommendation for Steinkoff's protégé.


Page 2 of a letter from William Wilberforce to Rev Dr Steinkoff, explaining that the enclosure had fallen out of Steinkoff's letter so that he does not know to whom to address the recommendation for Steinkoff's protégé.


Envelope of a letter from William Wilberforce to Rev Dr Steinkoff, explaining that the enclosure had fallen out of Steinkoff's letter so that he does not know to whom to address the recommendation for Steinkoff's protégé.


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