Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Chapel 2022
Poulos looks at marriage in 1 Corinthians 7, within the original context of Corinth. He uses this as an example of what it means to live as a believer in a non-believing world, especially when there is no-one to model to you. Poulus examines the role of sex within a marriage.
Poulos continues his series exploring the purpose and role of having bodies from 1 Corinthians 1:17-40. 1. Shape our lives and circumstances so that we can live for Christ and recognise God's sovereignty. Therefore, should we change our circumstances? 2. Must keep being more devoted to God - we must always be changing 3. Staying in the same situation - change distracts you 4. If you have choice, use it to foster your relationship to the Lord
Poulos speaks on what relationships are supposed to be like, and how we have run away from that. He explores how relating without seeing people is challenged in 1 Corinthians 6:12-20. 1. We are embodied beings, which is a blessing. 2. Our bodies have a purpose beyond physical senses. 3. Our bodies are united to Christ 4. Glorify Christ with our bodies