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Bolt, Peter G

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Originally delivered 2000-10-17


Recording, Oral


Recording, Oral


Sermon given at Tuesday Chapel.


Mark 3:28-29


Bolt expounds Romans 9. He looks at the significance of Issac as one of supernatural birth, as the child of promise/faith. Bolt looks at God's election as a way that God shows his mercy in the context of justice. He looks at the passages that Paul quotes in their biblical context., Cassette label reads : "Romans Thursday B and M"


Bolt looks at Abraham as the father of Jews and Gentiles. He looks at the illustration of Issac and Ishmael. He explores the Old Testament passages which shed light on the promise to Abraham. Questions throughout., Cassette label reads : "Romans Thursday B and M"


Launch of Claire Smith's thesis at the 2013 Priscilla and Aquilla annual conference.


Bolt follows the thread of Jesus' kingship over creation. Over at least two lectures, her explores how God exercises his kingship over creation in general, and over his people more specifically. 1. The word of God and creation 2. Involves obligations There is detailed discussion of Genesis 1-11, with a focus on Genesis 3:15 and how it points to Christ. He then looks at the word of God in the giving of the covenant, and the instructions given to the kings. He looks at the obligation to respond to the giving of the law. Bolt looks at how people view spirituality and the knowledge of God., Cassette label reads : "B and M tape 4"


Bolt looks at the characteristics of pre-literate societies. He then applies this to mission history, including the challenges and methods used. 1. Imposing culture 2. Church as the agent for reconciliation man-to-man 3. Foundation of mission found in ethnology Themes : Christianising of the peoples and man-to-man links, Cassette label reads : "Evangelism Tue 11/8 1B"


Bolt speaks on conflict from Acts 9:19-31, following Saul's conversion. He shows that all we need is to be converted, it defines our reality. Bolt explores the reaction to the gospel, that it creates reaction from those who oppose it, until we need protection.


Bolt speaks on the great hope brought by Jesus in Acts 8:26-40. He explores how this was a great drama for the Ancient world. 1. The drama beginning - God is the director, the Ethiopian and Phillip are the characters. 2. The drama preceding - the Ethiopian does not understand Isaiah, what if he had read another part of Isaiah? 3. The drama coming to a climax - God has made a way for the unclean to be made clean.


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