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In Folder: Chapman, John, 1930-2012.

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Chapman speaks on Matthew 26:36-46. He looks at what will stop us from being diverted. 1. Loving God 2. Loving the world Originally delivered 1990-07-24


Chapman looks at the impact of the gospel on lives from Matthew 9. 1. An insight into the character of Jesus so that we know how we ought to be? 2. How am I to act? Chapman challenges the audience to consider what the desire of their hearts are, and how our hearts respond to people who don't know Jesus. He shows that we find it hard to see our 'good' friends as sheep without a shepherd. He encourages them to pray for a heart that longs for the lost to know Jesus, and for a heart which is genuinely concerned, because of the temptation to withdraw.


Chapman speaks on Matthew 14 - Jesus walking on water. He stresses that this is Emmanuel - God with them. He looks at the response of the disciples in worshipping Jesus. Chapman then highlights that Peter has great vision, and is the example both of faith and of little faith. Originally delivered 1990-08-14


Chapman looks at what the bible says about greatness from Matthew 20. He looks at our temptation to view greatness in the opposite way. Chapman looks at the request, and the reponses both from Jesus and the other disciples. He reflects on true greatness as servanthood. Chapman explores the service which God has made to us in Jesus, and that God-like greatness is seen in service. He then compares this to John 13 where there is a statement of Jesus' complete Lordship in origin and destiny, and the following washing of the disciples feet.


Chapman speaks on the call of Matthew from Matthew 9:9-13. He explores the question regarding godliness from the Pharasees. 1. The sick ought be with the doctor. Where would you expect the doctor to be, except with the sick? 2. I desire mercy and not sacrifice Originally delivered 1996-03-26


The character of Jesus- Matthew 9-35


Chapman speaks on forgiveness, looking at Jesus in the Garden of Gethsename. He looks at grief, and the mysteries that we see when Jeuss experiences grief. 1. Jesus looks for support from the disciples 2. The content of Jesus' prayer Chapman uses this to show the great cost was for our forgiveness.


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