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In Folder: Southern Cross

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Being Holy by Peter Jensen - on being set apart for God, or sanctifed, Blue collar MTS by Tara Farrugia - on the Ministry Training Strategy in a TAFE-format, Canada Bay church open, The corpse that stood up by Paul Barnett - on the historical evidence for the ressurection, Service, schmervice: getting liturgy right by Andrew Robinson - on good use of liturgy so that it serves us, builds us up and is not a barrier to the gospel, Build or bust? by Raj Gupta - on the influence of the United States Church growth movement in Sydney, The God of Natural Disasters? by Michael Jensen - on how to respond to natural disasters, Havana worthwhile college experience by Gary Nelson - on the benefits of the External Studies course offered at Moore Theological College, Defender of the Faith or the Importance of a Definite Article by Laurel Moffatt - on the role of the Royal Family and how the way we view them has changed, 2011-04-01/2011-04-30


Objections remain but "No" to overturning legislation - on ethics classes, Society aims for "reconversion of England" by Russell Powell, Family is the new friends by David Hohne - on church being a family, A quiet revolution by Angus Belling - on reform to disability services, There is no 'i' in 'sex' by Kara Martin, 2011-08-01/2011-08-31


Now and then by Peter Jensen - on keeping our eyes fixed on eternity instead of the present, Abuse survivors gather to heal by Russell Powell, Churches reach out at Halloween by Tara Farrugia, Buy Buy Christmas by Karin Sowada - on changes to the Retail Trading Act, Reform or bust by Judy Adamson - on gambling, 2011-12-01/2011-12-31


New church for Stanhope Gardens by Andrew Buerger - on the purchase of land for a church in Stanhope Gardens, Special times, positive parenting, Food for the soul by Keith Condie - on Bible reading, Liverpool South celebrates, Indian style - on outreach to India, 2011-02-01/2011-02-28


Why do I believe in God? By Peter Jensen, A super-sized conversation - on an advertsing campaign on billboards run by muslims and the Christian response, Seeking true gospel growth by Ivan Lee - on the things that can hinder gospel growth, Taking the gospel to a new nation - on theological training needed in South Sudan, Generation Y for Jesus - on changing outreach techniques to reach Generation Y, Voldemort and lightning - on whether concerns around Harry Potter are justified, Burden or beacon? by Brian Rosner - on the relevance of the law to contemporary Christians, Take off the Western glasses by John Menear - on Christianity in China, Richards ready to serve - on the return of the Richard from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Smells like toddler spirit by Jenni Stoddart - on discipling toddlers and small children, 2011-07-01/2011-07-31


Real marriage by Peter Jensen - on the change of the marriage act, Sing to the Lord a new song but make it an old new song please by Andrew Shead - on singing the Psalms, Don't worry, be faithful by Sandy Grant - on not worrying about ethics classes, 2011-06-01/2011-06-30


Long road back for city of churches - on the response to the Christchurch earthquake, Same-sex unions: the road ahead by Andrew Cameron and Rebecca Belzer - on the same-sex marriage debate, Who is in control? By John Woodhouse - on God's soverignty and our responsibility, 2011-03-01/2011-03-31


Expecting Glory by Peter Jensen, Anniversary assumes biblical proportions - on anniversary celebrations of the KJV, Vietnamese Christians harshly persecuted by Russell Powell, Don't make God a lolly dispenser by Scott Monk - when God answers our prayers with 'no', Oprah's God out of the box, Total recall by Phillip Jensen - on learning Bible verses, In search of the Christian comic by Joel A. Moroney, 2011-05-01/2011-05-31


Theological education: everyone's business by Peter Jensen - on everyone being involved in teaching our kids, Bringing up baby by Russell Powell - on the importance of having various role models within the church, The enigma of death by Andrew Ford - on looking to the Bible and Christ when a death occurs, 2011-11-01/2011-11-30


Kids in need by Peter Jensen - on why our kids have been failed by society, and are in deperate need of Christ, Volunteers help South Coast inmates by Judy Adamson - on programs run to assist those in jail, "Music missionary" for Leichhardt by Judy Adamson - on outreach to classical musicians, New Common Prayer a "benchmark" for services, Largest Anglican church in Canada leaves historic home - on a Canadian church who is suffering within it's own diocese for following the Bible, Solving porn addiction isn't a no-brainer by Nicky Lock, Seeking alternatives to rounding up the usual suspects by Andrew Robinson - on suporting people in lay ministry, leadership and training, and looking across the whole congregation for workers, 2011-10-01/2011-10-31


Take notes by Andrew Buerger and Judy Adamson - on the power of music to spread the gospel, FOLLOW the LEADER by John Collier - on elements required for youth and children's ministry, Same-sex attraction and gospel ministry by David Peterson, 2011-09-01/2011-09-30


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