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Chapman, John, 1930-2012.

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A fresh start talk series

Chapman gives an evangelistic talk, challenging the audience to consider what it means to have a successful life. He explores the parable of the rich fool. The fundamental errors are : 1. Living without God 2. Thinking that God doesn't matter


Chapman gives the 1990 graduation address. Chapman expounds the Parable of the two sons from Luke 15. 1.The younger son 2. The Father 3. The older son


Chapman explores what it means to be a royal priesthood, and to be on display to the world. He shows that it is imposible to be committed to Christ and not committed to the spread of the gospel. He spurs his listeners on to imitate Christ, and to live lives that make the gospel attractive. Chapman encourages listeners to live a godly life, including financial partnership, and to speak gospel messages in some way, and that this varies from person to person. He reminds people that we are all evangelists to our friends., Tape seems to be set at a Katoomba Convention


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