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Reeves, Marcus

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In Folder: Crossroads Christian Church Canberra

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Reeves stresses the 'alone' aspect of grace. He explains how much in sin the Ephesians and us are, as being dead in sin. Reeves shows how we did nothing to earn God's grace, but instead God made this choice for us. He shows how different Christianity is to what people think from the outside, and how refreshing it is to realise grace alone by realising the state of our sin. Reeves shows that there is nothing we can add to grace, and explains some of the ways people can kill grace., Cassette label reads: "29 Sep 2002 Crossroads@5 pm 'Five beliefs that shook the world: Grace Alone' Marcus Reeves Eph 2:1-10 45 mins"


Reeves looks at the 'why' of the Bible - for God's Glory. He then talks about living a transformed life and not living in sin because of faith, as the fruit of the gospel. There is critique of catholicism and how it is different to the gospel because it preaches salvation by works. Reeves then highlights the pillars of the Reformation - Grace Alone, Faith Alone, Scripture Alone, Christ Alone., Cassette label reads: " 13/10/02 5pm church Marcus Reeves Glory to God Alone" 50 mins"


Recording opens with a Bible reading. Reeves argues from Hebrews how Jesus' work makes the law obsolete, and how the law points to Jesus. Discussion of what the law was, especially in relation to the Day of Atonement and the role of sacrifices. Reeves stresses that doing the will of God is more important than sacrifices. He explains the impact of Jesus being our High Priest. He talks about our interaction with the Old Testament, and what we seek from the Christian life., Cassette label reads: "Markus 5pm 19/05/02 Hebrews 10 v 1-19"


Reeves explores how it is possible to enter God's throne room, because Jesus has died for us. He encourages his listeners not to be over run with guilt, but instead to draw near to God and to hold on to the hope held out by God. Reeves explains the importance of gathering together. He shows how terrible it is to walk away from God. Reeves explores how early believers responded to persecution and the confidence they had in the gospel. Reeves explores finishing with enthusiasm., Cassette label reads "Into the light Hebrews 10:19-39 Marcus Reeves 26 May 2002 5pm"


Reeves challenges his audience to consider Jesus as adults. He explores why adults are hesitant to consider Jesus and then speaks on Matthew 8. He considers the responses to Jesus from the leper, the centurian and the disciples in the calming of the storm. Reeves looks at Jesus' teaching, and then Jesus' trial and death. He links this back to Matthew 8 with the answer to the disciple's question of 'who is this?', Cassette label reads : "409501 Marcus Reeves Matthew 8 Jesus - The One in control Focus 1995" Box label reads : "Matthew 8-13 Jesus - the adult series"


Reeves speaks on the sabbath laws, explaining that the sabbath is made for man, not man for the sabbath. He shows that it is lawful to do good on the sabbath. Reeves explores the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, and the role of the Holy Spirit. He details the relationship between the Pharisees and Jesus, and their plan to crucify Jesus., Cassette label reads : "Focus - Marcus Reeves - Matt. 12 - Jesus the controversialist" Box label reads : "Matthew 8-13 Jesus - the adult series"


Why it is only Jesus that can pay the price - it is only God who can redeem and only man who can pay the price. Reeves explores Christ's qualities and perfection, as High Priest and sacrifice. He warns against lack of trust, or developing a chip on our shoulders, using Ancient Israel as an example. Reeves encourages his listeners to have concern for one another, and to remember that God's way is the best way. He gives examples of areas where we can struggle to let God rule our lives, and encourages them to encourage one another., Cassette label reads : "xroads @5 12 Aug 01 Hebrews 3 - Jesus, no time for unbelief Marcus Reeves"


Reeves talks on receiving great news and how we respond. He explores how we respond to the gospel, how we respond to it and how we respond to the world's response. There is a focus on being gracious., Cassette label reads "16 Apr 00 Marcus Reeves Meeting the World".


Talk from Luke 23 on Jesus crucifixion. Reeves looks at all the people involved, and highlights the thief on the cross. He then explains why Jesus had to die, why we need a saviour and why Jesus is that saviour., Cassette label reads : "Marcus Reeves 21-4-00 'Saved at the death' Good Friday"


Reeves looks at the challenge of familiarity with both Jesus and the Bible, from the familiarity that Jesus' hometown have towards him. Reeves explains how to read the Bible in context, both historical context and Biblical context, so as to avoid moralism/poor application. He highlights that the clean is making the unclean clean. Reeves shows that Jesus has identified himself with the prophets, that Elijiah has come, died a violent death, which is prefiguring what will happen to Jesus. Talk followed by announcements., Cassette label reads : "Matt 13:53-14:36 The Tall Popy Syndrome Focus" Box label reads : "Matt 13-21 Focus Semester 1, 1996 Misc preachers"


On expressing faith - being sure of what we hope for, the conviction of what we do not see - certain hope. He shows that it is not possible to please God without faith, and looks at the examples from the Old Testament which Paul had highlighted. Discussion of how to exercise faith in personal life and removing things that can cause temptation., Cassette label reads "Together by faith Hebrews 11 7/7/02 Marcus Reeves 5:00pm"


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