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In Folder: Southern Cross

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New prayer book taking shape, A new bush mission field - on ministering to fly-in, fly-out workers, Mobilising the Lord's army by Jim Wackett- on the Kony 2012 social media campaign, Hand in hand by Andrew Robinson - on the financial management of Anglican Retirement Villages, The nice atheist by Michael Kellahan - on the appealing presentation of atheism, Names of honour reflect Anzac loss by Colin Bale - on the relationship between World War I and the Australian church, 2012-04-01/2012-04-30


Our buildings by Peter Jensen - on the role of church buildings, Ethics to stay, but review recommended - on ethics classes in NSW schools, Faith in action by Philip Cooney - on the faith of Queen Elizabeth II, Ministry by men, for men, Supernatural by Mark Thompson - on Christ's resurrection, A joyful noise by Rob Smith - on singing in church, 2012-08-01/2012-08-31


Chappo remembered by Peter Jensen - on the life and service of John Chapman, Chappo called home by Russell Powell - on the death of John Chapman, Ministering to Muslims by Andrew Buerger, Burnt church asks for help by Judy Adamson - on the rebuild after the 2009 Black Saturday fires, The return of the lapsed Anglican by Jodie McNeill - on the response of those who return to church after a prolonged period, 'Tis the season to be ignorant by Judy Adamson - on the need to re-educate the community on the Christmas story, They're playing our song(s) by Bill Sailer - on the playing of Christmas carols, Empty tables - on Anglicare's report into the level of poverty in Australia, When saying "no" can be the best thingcan be the best thing by Archie Poulos - on focusing ministries, 2012-12-01/2012-12-31


True power is dependence by Peter Jensen - on depending on God in prayer, Grace under fire by Andrew Robinson - on the growth of MOCLAM, Conscience vote controversy by Russell Powell - on a conscience vote in parliament on same-sex marriage, Global vision? by Rowan Kemp - on CMS Summer School, Training in righteousness by David McIntyre - on Christian schools, their role and numbers, Open doors? by Raj Gupta - on being welcoming churches, Boost needed by Jane Tooher - on women's ministry, 2012-02-01/2012-02-28


A new principal for Moore College by Peter Jensen - on the search for a new principal, Prayer for gospel workers by Tara Farrugia - on the launch of MTS Sunday, Are written prayers inauthentic? By Russell Powell - on the use and resistance to the prayer book, Lewers consecrated bishop by Russell Powell - on the appointment of Rick Lewers, To boldly go... with the troops by David McIntyre - on the role of navy chaplains, "Odd" book shows great strength - on the launch of Graeme Goldworthy's book 'Christ-centred Biblical Theology', Responding to sexual brokenness by David Peterson - on the launch of a new book 'Sexegesis: An Evangelical Response to Five Uneasy Pieces on Homosexuality', 2012-07-01/2012-07-31


Miracles and faith by Peter Jensen - on miracles, Rental non-affordability - on the lack of affordable rental housing in Western Sydney, Barneys turns a friendlier face to Broadway - on the re-opening of Barneys Broadway after fire damage, Woodhouse to retire in 2013 - on the retirement of John Woodhouse as Moore College prinicipal, The child who almost wasn't - on Anglican Aid's projects allowing Indian families to keep their daughters, "We are called to a great prophetic purpose" - on a meeting of GAFCON leaders in London, All gone quiet - on death and euthanasia, Not waving, drowning - on the pressures facing single-parent households, The modern marriage ideology by Andrew Cameron - on society's changing definition of marriage, 2012-06-01/2012-06-30


Science and faith by Peter Jensen - on the relationship between science and faith, Real Life by Tara Farrugia - on a new church plant in Canley Heights, Pathway from Youthworks College to Moore by Andrew Buerger - on recognition of former training by Moore College to those studying at Youthworks, New congregation at Quakers Hill by Andrew Buerger, Strategy goes beyond 'minor tweaking' by Russell Powell - on funding, the role of the Archbishop and the local church in evangelism, Nelson to head north by north-west - on the appointment of Gary Nelson as Bishop of North West Australia, Cold welcome - on being a welcoming church, Sydney international by Andrew Robinson - on being a culturally diverse church instead of mono-cultural ones, A word's worth by Greg Anderson - on the power of words, Preparing teens for leadership - on the Leaders in Training conference, 2012-03-01/2012-03-31


The fear of dying by Peter Jensen, All hands on stage for Oran Park opening - on the opening of Oran Park Anglican School, Putting the 'E' in ENC by Russell Powell - on the evangelistic vision of the new director of the Evangelism and New Churches, Bruce Hall, Bishop for world's largest diocese - on the appointment of Gary Nelson as Bishop of North West Australia, Cardboard cathedral for Christchurch - on a cathedral after an earthquake, Leaders seek to turn crisis into vision by Russell Powell - on the first meeting of Anglican leaders since GAFCON, Church planting or bust by Paul Davey - on the need for church growth to keep up with population growth, Why welfare matters by Grant Millard - on the need for the Federal budget to do more to assist the vunerable, Who's where at Easter by Peter Bolt, Life in the iWorld by Justine Toh, 2012-05-01/2012-05-31


The creed's eternal truths by Peter Jensen, Parish relationships splits house - on amending the Parish Relationships Amendment Ordinance from 4 years to 2 years before a review of a minister, Money for greenfields sites by Andrew Buerger - on a levy to pay for new churches in new suburbs, Archbishop leaves the chair - on Peter Jensen's departure from Synod, Beach church on its feet by Andrew Buerger - on the vote to make Shoalhaven Heads a provisional parish, Nungalinya opens new crèche, Last words by Peter Jensen - Peter Jensen's final speech as Archbishop One Scripture, two testaments by George Athas - on our handing of the Bible, 2012-11-01/2012-11-30


Marriage and family by Peter Jensen - on sticking to the Biblical teaching of marriage, Media beat-up over 'submit' change by Russell Powell - on changing the wedding vow from 'obey to 'submit', Jesus is... busy in the Gong by Tara Farrugia - on the Jesus Is mission in the Illawarra, Archbishop reiterates apology by Russell Powell - Peter Jensen apologises over forced adoptions in the 1950s and 1960s, Support network - on parachurch organisations such as Bush Church Aid or Scripture Union and the role they play, Apologetic evangelism oxymoron? by Phillip Jensen - on the lack of a need to apologise for the gospel and not to be ashamed of it, 2012-10-01/2012-10-31


Down peacock's feathers! By Peter Jensen - on why we find teaching on sin so hard, Light in the darkness by Lea Carswell - on depression and the way it affects people, In Christ by Con Campbell - on what it means to be 'in Christ', Real gospel music by Rob Smith - on singing as prayer and praise, 2012-09-01/2012-09-30


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