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AMCL 2004 - Jesus, Sinners and Table Fellowship

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In Folder: Annual Moore College Lectures

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Blomberg answers questions from earlier lectures. 1. What was involved/what elements were there in a symposium in the Greco-Roman world? 2. What does the New Testament say about symposia? - The Gospel of Luke - The rest of the New Testament literature,  


Blomberg answers questions from the previous lectures. Blomberg expounds a variety of wisdom literature which explores food and fellowship with food. He also explores other ancient literature ad what they teach us about the practices around food.


Blomberg answers questions on fasting. Blomberg explores the food imagery used in the wisdom literature of Psalms, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. Blomberg explains the food imagery, especially in Daniel. He then compares this to texts outside of the Bible. Blomberg looks at the food practices that taught cleanliness and uncleanliness, both within and outside of the Bible.


Blomberg introduces the theme of table fellowship, highlighting some of the claims that other scholars who have made on the topic. He looks at what this theme teaches us about the historical Jesus. He looks at what the practises around sharing food mentioned in the New Testament. Blomberg examines the meals other than the Last Supper, to look at the other types of sinners that Jesus eats with. There is a special focus on Jewish people. Blomberg gives an overview of the lecture series : 1. Survey the different kinds of Old Testament meals, highlighting important illustrations 2. Developments in the inter-testamental periods from Jewish and Greco-Roman contexts 3. The symposium model 4. Indepth analyisis of the gospels, looking at questions around their authenticity and meaning 5. Suggest some applications. Blomberg examines the role of food in the Bible. He gives an overview of events involving food and the instructions around them. Talk is followed by questions.


Blomberg gives an overview of food instruction in the Old Testament, and how food was used to create or remove boundaries. Blomberg compares fellowship meals to the early church and shows that food laws are more appreciated by those outside of the West. He looks at the instruction to share our food and care for those who are in poverty. Blomberg also applies this to cross-cultural ministry, and the importance of food in other cultures. Blomberg shares some of the ways the churches in America celebrate the Lord's Supper. Talk is followed by questions.


Annual Moore College Lectures 2004, C 232 BLO


Annual Moore College Lectures 2004, C 232 BLO


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