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Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Centre for Christian Living

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Event hosted jointly by the Centre for Christian Living and Freedom for Faith. The introduction was given by Tony Payne, part 1 'Can we talk publicly about same-sex marriage?' was given by Michael Kellahan, and Part 2 'Can we talk personally about same-sex marriage?' was given by Tony Payne.


Windsor explores how, when we learn Christ, we learn a new self, including a new way to speak. He applies this to social media and the online world. Windsor shows that all believers should be ready to act as God's social media, to speak the truth in the context of love. He highlights the benefits of social media to create connectedness and thus to speak the truth into these settings. Windsor presents some ideas for speaking the truth in love in social media.


Payne introduces the event. He then explores the power of words and how they are perceived and used by society. Payne argues against this to show that there is order to the world and is not accidental, is really here and that God is really here. Payne looks at how we respond to God's word, and that we can build a life on God's word, because it orientates us to God's purpose, and thus we can direct people to this because it directs people to something that is really there.


Questions and answers relating to the CCL event Learning to speak Christian in an online world.


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