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Video looks at the history of the Australian Church women, including images, music and narration., Recording made by filming a slide show.


Speaker looks at the challenges of translation. He examines different translations, and the history of translation work., Reel label reads : "Tape 5 side 1 1974/1975 Easter Conf 4 tracks 17/5"


Smith looks at purity godliness in pastoral teams, male-female staff relationships, where our fear stops us from doing it all. He looks at the importance of getting it right. Fortesque looks at self-care issues relating to purity in staff teams. Earnshaw looks at benefits and helpful things to be mindful of. Talk is followed by questions. Elective at the 2013 Priscilla & Aquila Conference

Recording of an official service where some political people are present. Speaker looks at some of the political challenges facing the world. He shows that some things do not change, even when it feels like everything is. 1. The Lord God 2. The gospel 3. The need for our hearts to change, Reel box label reads : "Green Side 1 address to annual meeting of church of E Dec Instit Oct 1966 Side 2 29/4/65 Dr Billy Graham's addressat ministry servicein St Andrew's Cathedral"


Words of thanks to Moore College. Alfred's vision for Uganda, particularly for Uganda Christian University and the Anglican Church in Uganda. He gives words from Romans 1 for encouragement, and shares his testimony.


Talk given at St Matthias church



Studying Australian Christianity conference held at the Centre for the Study of Australian Christianity


Lecture given at the Centre for the Study of Australian Christianity




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