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Mildenhall, Tim

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Crossroads Christian Church Canberra

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Opens with a reading from Luke 24, and 1 Corinthians 15:1-19. Mildenhall explains that our reasons for believing affect what we are willing to believe. He explains the historical reliability of the gospels, and that this applies to miracles. Mildenhall considers the healing of the blind and deaf man, and the response of both the crowd and the Pharasees. He applies reliability of sources to the gospels, examinging the skeptical nature of the disiciples, and the absence of a body. Mildenhall considers different ways people think about God and why miracles show that Jesus is really God in the flesh., Cassette label reads: "Are miracles possible? Tim Mildenhall 9-10-94 PM church"


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