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Guinness, Howard

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Farewell service at St Barnabas' Broadway


Guinness explores the case against Christianity as presented by athiests and agnostics who depend entirely on reason. He then addresses each of these issues, especially the historical accuracy from sources outside the Bible. Guinness explores the reasons that people have for believing in God, and how each group is different., Reel box reads : "The Kings School 1970 a series of 4 sermons nos 1 and 2 Howard Guinness Easter '70"


Guinness explores the case against prayer and rebuffs it from the Bible. 1. Faith in God is wishful thinking 2. Faith in prayer is wishful thinking 3. God and reason work together 4. Christianity presents that there is an enemy 5. Not all prayer is wishful thinking - prayer is not an open cheque. 6. Praying (or not really praying) when we won't let God in, Reel box reads : "The King's School Easter 1970 no 3 and 4"


Guinness gives an outline for the series. Structure is to be an argument against Christianity, and then to rebuff it. 1. Christian standards are out-dated. He explores the standards offered by Christ, and Christ's ability to ensure we can meet those standards, Reel box reads : "The Kings School 1970 a series of 4 sermons nos 1 and 2 Howard Guinness Easter '70" Recording comes before m4706a


Guinness looks at the idea of man's immortality, both from psychology and Biblically. He expounds the concept of life after death. Guinness shows that we will all face death, but that we will all face judgement. He explores the historical reasons for Christ's resurrection, challenging some of the theories against resurrection. Speaker provides the evidence for Christ being alive today., Reel box reads : "The King's School Easter 1970 no 3 and 4"


4 sermons preached at Easter, 1970


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