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Library Day 2021

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Library Lecture

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Thompson explores the situation of the college in the 1920s and 30s. He explores Mowll's desire to rebuild Moore College in all areas. Thompson details the selection of a new Principal, T. C. Hammond. He explores the goals and accomplishments of Mowll to improve the college, both in academia, property and finances during Hammond's time. Thompson explores the election of a sucessor for Hammond, Marcus Loane. Some discussion of the appointment of David Knox as Vice Principal.


Tong speaks on the legal case between the State of NSW and the Diocese of Bathurst. Discussion on the writing of a new prayer book and it's use. Tong explores the relationships between the Anglican diocese throughout Australia. Talk is followed by Questions and Answers.


Lukabyo explores Mowll's background in student ministry, and how this influenced his desire to build up youth ministry and training. She explores the general feeling amongst the church towards youth ministry and youth in general. Discussion of the purchase and design of the CENEF building, and the Port Hacking camp sites, including the naming of Camp Howard. Summary of the Youth-to-Youth missions. Lukabyo explores Mowll's legacy.


Tooher explores Dorothy's ministry in China, and her childhood influences. Tooher draws from Mowll's letters. She recounts Dorothy's life, including the impact of marrying Howard. Tooher analyises Dorothy's motive and perspective on missionary work. Followed by Question and Answers.


Jensen details Mowll's overseas gospel work prior to coming to Australia. He explores the lead-up to the election of Mowll, with focus on Mowll's Evangelical conviction for the whole world. Jensen's highlight's Mowll's insight in selecting future leaders generally and specifically at Moore College.


Treloar explores Mowll's role as Primate. He highlights the challenges Mowll faced, including lack of clarity of the role, and critics from other Bishops. Treloar details some of the changes which Mowll undertook, including attending the World Council of Churches. Treloar details the effect of Elizabeth II's Coronation. He highlights the benefits of the South East Asia fund and of being generous.


Piggin explores the annotations made by Mowll in his Bible, the context in which they were made and what they teach us about Mowll.


Loane speaks on how Mowll came to be elected as Archbishop. He explores the history of the Evangelical church in the 1920s and 1930s, and then details the potential candidates for the position of Archbishop. Loane explains the reasons people were attracted to Mowll to fill the position of Archbishop, including the way the campaign was run, and how the vote fell. Talk is followed by questions and answers.


Bale speaks on Mowll's writing's both leading up to and during World War II. He focuses on the prayer work lead by Mowll. Discussion of the Church of England National Emergency Fund (CENEF) - a fund for supporting service personelle during the war, including a women's auxillary, and a Sydney Diocesan Church Women's Association, which was headed by Dorothy Mowll. Talk is followed by Questions and Answers.


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