Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Annual Moore College Lectures
Carson looks at the contrast between tongues and prophesy in 1 Corinthians 14:26-40. He shares the views of various scholars on passages relating to tongues, prophesy, and the tension between them. Originally delivered 1985-09-16
Carson looks at what it meant by the gifts of tongues, interpretation of tongues, and prophesy. 1. What does it mean to speak in tongues? 2. Were the tongues in Corinth real languages? 1 Corinthians 14:1-15 Originally delivered 1985-09-13
Carson speaks on 1 Corinthians 13. He looks at the literary style and themes in the chapter, and how this chapter fits within the context of 1 Corinthians as a whole, especially 12:31. Carson details the term Charismata. He explores Paul's comments and instruction in relation to spiritual gifts, especially speaking in tongues. Carson looks at what love is according to this chapter. Originally delivered 1985-09-12
Carson speaks on the Charismatic Movement. He looks at what scripture has to say around spiritual gifts, especially speaking in tongues. Carson shares some reflections on the background to the argument which Paul makes in 1 Corinthians. He defines the greek term Charismata. Carson defines both of the greek words which Paul uses in chapter 12-14, and how and why Paul uses these terms. 1 Corinthians 12 Carson looks at how Paul identifies who has the Holy Spirit, and what these two groups say or don't say about Jesus. Carson gives an overview of non-Charismatics and Charismatics in 1985. Carson looks at the use of these terms in Paul's writings, and defines the related terms - those used by Paul and those used by the Corinthians. Originally delivered 1985-09-10
Moore College Annual Lectures 1985: Showing the Spirit Carson reflects on a number of prophets which relate to 1 Corinthians 14. Reflections on tongues, miracles, and the baptism in the spirit from Acts, with specific passages and a generalisation.,