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Papers of Thomas Moore (1762-1840)

Object Type: Folder
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Correspondence between Henry Waterhouse and Thomas Moore.


William Waterhouse, 6 Smith Square, Westminster, to Thomas Moore, Liverpool, New South Wales, 16 June 1820 Dear Friend Since I wrote to you on the 9th of Dec. Last I have not had any safe opportunity of the sale of the farm and Cattle. Andrew called on us on Wednesday last, not having been in London for some time; looks remarkably well & in good health; told us there was a friend of his going out to New South Wales, that we could send a letter to you with safety: I have therefore sent you Papers The drafs [sic] One for £160 -the other for £165: 13: 6 both of which I Receiv'd making together £325: 13: 6, which I gave to Maria my grand Daughter, and intend to do the same with what remains unsettled, when I receive it, which I am sure and satisfied you will get finished as soon as you can, I understand Governor Macquarie is not likely to return yet, but I hope it will not be long before we shall have the pleasure of seeing you and Mrs. Moore here, who [??] your very sincere and much oblig'd friend and Humble Servt. W. Waterhouse PS: My family all Join me in best best [sic] respects to Mrs. Moore and any enquiring friends My daughter Bass writes to you by this conveyance.


Payment Order dated 3rd May, 1813 & signed by John Berick, Paymaster 1 Batt. 73rd Regiment of Foot, drawn on the 1st Battalion, 73d Regiment of Foot, in Sydney, NSW, for pay owing to H. McArthur for £160 included in Paymaster's Monthly Estimate for services specified in the Order to the 24th April, 1813, addressed to Messrs Greenwood Cox & Co., London.


Payment Order dated 3rd May, 1813, & signed by John Berick, Paymaster 1 Batt. 73rd Regiment of Foot, drawn on the 1st Battalion, 73d Regiment of Foot, in Sydney, NSW, for pay owing to Captain William Waterhouse for £165: 13: 6 included in Paymaster's Monthly Estimate for services specified in the Order to the 24th April, 1813, addressed to Messrs Greenwood Cox & Co., London


One A3 page photocopy of pages 2-3 from a "List of all Grants and Leases of Land registered in the Colonial Secretary's Office between the 28lh day of January 1788 and the 31st day of December 1809", in which is recorded in columns: (i) Grant No.; (ii) Date; (iii) Grantee or Lessee; (iv) Situation; (v) Extent in Acres & Roods; (vi) Term of Years; (vii) Amount of Quit Rent; (viii) By Whom Granted; (ix) Registration Book "A" & Page; (x) Remarks. Crown Grant No. 4 to Philip Schaffer was made on 22 February 1792, on the "north side of the Creek leading to Parramatta", area 140 Acres, Quit Rent being one shilling for every 50 acres, commencing after 5 years; registered in Book 1/A, page 2.


19 shares of the Bank of Australia, worth 100 pounds sterling each, dated 1st July 1833 Australian Auction Company – 1 share certificate 17th January 1840, Received of Thos Moore, Esqre, the sum of fifty pounds as the first instalment of 5 pounds per share on ten shares allotted to him in this company Certificate of money paid on bank stock, Bank of Australia, 20th May 1840: this is to certify that the sum of one thousand seven hundred and sixty pounds has been paid upon 38 shares…in the name of Thomas Moore, Esquire.


Correspondence between Henry Waterhouse and Thomas Moore.


Correspondence between Henry Waterhouse and Thomas Moore.


This instrument dated 23 April 1812, appointed Thomas Moore, now resident at Port Jackson in New South Wales, Ship Builder, "to sell, assign and make over to any Person or Persons, who may become the Purchasers of my property at the settlement of Port Jackson or its dependencies of Land, Houses, Cattle & all other stock or property wherein I have a just right to dispose of. And his signature to any Deed or Instrument as my lawful Attorney shall be good and sufficient to the Purchaser the same as if I myself had Executed the same - In witness whereof I have this day put my hand and Seal full ratifying & confirming my Authority. Communicated by me to the said Mr. Thomas Moore, dated this 23rd day of April One thousand Eight Hundred and Twelve. [Watermark 1809] Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of us: W. Waterhouse & Eliz'th Bass.


My Dear Sir I am writing to you on a Melancholy subject, the Death of my dear Son Captain Waterhouse, who died the 27th July last and has left his affairs in a very unsettled state, which will occasion much embarrassment. P.S. My Wife and all my family join me in best respects and good wishes to you and Mrs. Moore. I forgot to say in the former part of my letter that I have sent Captn. Rowley's original letters, as they may be necessary for you, pray take care of them in case I should want them in England.


Administration with will annexed of Captn Henry Waterhouse deceased, dated 14 day of August 1812.


Indenture made in Sydney on 17th August 1797, between Philip Schaffer of Parramatta and Henry Waterhouse of Sydney for the sale of The Vineyard. Parramatta, "laying on the North side of the Creek leading to Parramatta" containing by estimation 140 acres of land, granted to Philip Schaffer by Crown Grant dated 5th April 1787. [Bearing the original signatures of "John McArthur" and "William Neale" as witnesses, and of Philip Schaffer and William Waterhouse as vendor and purchaser. [Watermark: "A. Blackwell" on page 1, and a Crown and throne watermark on page 2].


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