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In Folder: Chapel talks

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Kern speaks on Matthew 24:1-14. He explains the context for these verses, and the disciple's motivation for asking about the end of the age. Kern looks at Jesus' response to this question, including that life is marked by suffering. Kerns explores why Christian faith dies. He stresses that as Jesus sufferred, so we should expect to suffer.


Kern speaks on John 18:1-11. He shows that we are not in control, but that Jesus is. Kern explains the aim of and the numbers of soldiers accompanying Judas. He looks at Jesus' words and actions in this chapter.


Kern speaks on Jesus' return from Matthew 25:1-13. He looks at Jesus concern that the disciples of what Jesus' return will be like, and when it will be. He shows that we can't know when. Kern speaks on the parable of the wise and foolish virgins. He explores what the issues are. He shows that it will be too late for those who aren't prepared. Kern explores the imagery, and how Jesus uses wedding imagery. He shows how this and the surrounding passages point to being wise while we wait for Jesus return, and to not grow weary of doing good or fighting sin.


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