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Brisbane Conference 2000

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Romans

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Jensen looks at what it means to say "All things work together for good". He explains that God is in charge of the future. Jensen explores the special working for good for those who are called according to God's purpose, that is, being called by the gospel. Jensen looks at the harm of the healing movement, and the importance of not trying to bring heaven into the present in the area of healing. He shows that this includes suffering. Jensen shows that these work for the good of being like Jesus, for our sanctification. Brisbane conference


Jensen speaks on original sin from Romans 3. 1. We have a righteous God 2. We are a sinful people 3. The righteousness of God is revealed in the gospel 4. Jesus is a sacrifice - Propitiation and the atonement through faith in Jesus 5. Justification is for everyone 6. The cross must be at the centre of our lives 7. Christ died for the ungodly Talk is followed by questions Brisbane conference


Jensen looks at the removal of the power of sin. He explores the quests for freedom. Jensen looks at preaching the gospel of grace, but that freedom to sin is not an appropriate response to grace. He also challenges the idea of freedom from sin, that there is no sin in us. He looks at the freedom that we have in Christ. Jensen looks at being in between the two during the overlap of the ages, that we are a slave to both the law and to sin. Jensen gives 5 practical steps for resisting sin 1. Remember where you are 2. Remember who you are 3. Offer yourself to God 4. Freedom to serve 5. Be led by the Spirit Jensen challenges the idea of the victory life. Jensen shows Jensen expounds Romans 6:1-12.


Jensen focuses on Romans 1-3:20, with a focus on Romans 3:9. He looks at Paul's response to the question "are we any better?" by being Jews. Jensen looks at idolatry, and how this refusal to know God causes us to fall deeper into sin. He looks at the judgement which is coming for both Jews and Gentiles, which is impartial, by God's standards, and based on the realities of our lives. Jensen explains that the law makes us aware of our own sin and rebellion. Talk is followed by questions.


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