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AMCL 2017

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In Folder: Trueman, Carl

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Trueman answers questions. He explores some of the activities in the absence of Luther, in comparison to the power of speech. Trueman highlights the Word of God as speech. He explains why Luther deserves to be called a theologian. He summaries his main ideas. Talk is followed by questions.


Trueman argues that the modern mind is highly psycholigyst, technoligyst. He explores the different ways people have approached the world in the past, and how our thinking as a society has changed. Trueman explores how some of these worldviews and thinkings have been fused. He argues that sitcoms are more powerful as advertising than arguments, and that we are unable to recognise the authority of history any more. Trueman thus reasons that the gospel has become unreasonable to the modern mind. Talk is followed by questions and answers.


Trueman looks at the significance of preaching throughout history, as words become central to the Reformation and reformers understand how God acts. Trueman reflects on the theological aspects of preaching. Talk is followed by questions, including the tension in preaching between grace and repentance., WILLIAM AN AMCL 2017 FOLDER NEEDS TO BE MADE WITHIN THIS FOLDER AND THESE FILES PLACED WITHIN IT


Trueman addresses some questions from 9 August 2017. He looks at the importance of creeds, confessions and structure in the early church. Trueman stresses the importance of the preaching of the word in both the early church and the Reformation. He explores the personalities and actions of the Reformers. Talk is followed by questions., WILLIAM AN AMCL 2017 FOLDER NEEDS TO BE MADE WITHIN THIS FOLDER AND THESE FILES PLACED WITHIN IT


Trueman answers questions. He explores the works of Luther, the importance of liturgy and the structure of the church service. Talk is followed by questions and answers., WILLIAM AN AMCL 2017 FOLDER NEEDS TO BE MADE WITHIN THIS FOLDER AND THESE FILES PLACED WITHIN IT


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