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Chapel 2014

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Romans 4:1-17


Thompson speaks on the danger of conforming to this age from Romans 12:1-2. 1. Mercy makes a difference 2. In our service 3. In our minds


Sermon given at College Chapel - 09/05/14 Thompson looks at the new realities of our relationship to both sin and our bodies, because we are now serving Christ.


Thompson speaks on Romans 9:1-29. He looks at the role and value of the Jewish believer and Jews in general. 1. God's Apostle is not a theorist 2. God's promise has not failed 3. God's justice is not compromised 4. God's mercy is constant Sermon given at College Chapel - 3/10/14


Rom 4:18-25 Sermon given at College Chapel -- 21/02/14


Rom 8:5-17 Sermon given at College Chapel -- 1/8/14


Thompson speaks on people refusing Christ and staying among the lost from Romans 9:1-29. He particularly looks at how it is that Jews can be left out, and what that would mean for Gentiles. Thompson shows that Jesus is the only one who can interceed for the lost, and that he is just in showing mercy.


Sermon given at College Chapel Thompson speaks on Jew-Christian relations from Romans 11:1-36. Thompson reminds his audience that Paul is speaking to Gentiles. He looks at: 1. Has God rejected his people? Thompson shows that salvation is by grace, and that there is a remant of Jews who are choosing to trust Jesus. 2. Did they stumble in order that they might fall? Thompson stresses the importance of seeing righteousness as a gift.


Romans 5:1-11 Sermon given at College Chapel -- 21/03/14


Rom 6:1-11 Sermon given at College Chapel -- 02/05/14


Thompson speaks on condemnation, and that there is no condemnation in Jesus, exploring life between the then and now. Final chapel with Richard Gibson, including prayer for the Gibsons. Congregation sings 'Jesus Paid it All'.


Rom 8:1-5 Sermon given at College Chapel - 6/6/14


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