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In Folder: Chapel talks

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Thompson speaks on the healing of the blind men and Jesus' entry into Jerusalem from Matthew 20:29-21:11. He stresses the welcome that Jesus receives, and contrasts this to Jesus mission. 1. the king's compassion towards the broken 2. The king's command of every detail 3. The king's coming to the confused


Thompson reminds his listeners that Jesus is building his church from Matthew 16:13-28. He looks at the context, and then asks : 1. What does it mean for Jesus to be the Christ, the son of the living God? 2. What does it mean for us to follow this kind of Christ?, Delivered during the 2021 covid pandemic.


Thompson speaks on conflict and forgiveness from Matthew 18:15-35. 1. When your brother sins against you 2. When your brother keeps sinning against you 3. When you've lost perspective on his sin, Delivered during the 2021 covid pandemic.


Thompson speaks on who does the will of the Father, and the reponse of the religious leaders from Matthew 21:23-32. He compares this to opposition of Jesus in the 21st century. Thompson explores John's baptism, and how it points to Jesus. He stresses that there must be a change of mind in coming to Jesus.


Thompson explores the refrain 'His steadfast love endures forever' in Psalm 110 and across other Psalms. He examines the glory of Jesus as the Son of God, and shows that God is still reigning even when life is challenging.


Thompson explores Christian responses to government oppression from Matthew 22:15-40. He stresses that our first alligence is to Christ, but that this does not relieve us of our duties to the earthly government. Thompson explores Jesus' comments about marriage, including that there is no marriage in heaven, for heaven is far greater than a contiuation of this life.


Thompson looks at the events in the temple and the wilting of the fig tree in Matthew 21:12-22. He explores the symbolism of the coming judgement of God, and the need to be ready for the arrival of the king. He shows that the time for the temple was over because the king had come. Thompson highlights that genuine faith should produce fruit, and shows how Jesus challenges a lack of faith by speaking the truth, in combination with prayer.


Thompson speaks on who the Christ is, or who Jesus is, from Matthew 22:41-46. He explores Jesus being both fully God and fully man.


Thompson explores the vineyard and tennant imagery in Matthew 21:33-46. He shows how the imagery points to both prophets and Jesus, and then also explores the responses of the teachers of the law.


Thompson explores two ways that people fall and miss new life when offered the gospel from Matthew 22:1-14. He explains the banquet imagery throughout the Old Testament, and the invitation of the gospel made to many. Thompson then details the two ways people can fall as seen in the parable - refusing the invitation and despising the invitation.


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