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Thompson, Mark D., (Mark Donald), 1959-

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Chapel 2022

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Thompson shows that it is really easy for us to play down sin from Matthew 26:36-46. He shows that Jesus is the only one who prays in the lead-up to his death, in contrast to the disciples. Thompson presents this as evidence that Jesus is genuinely human, and that the cup is the cup of God's wrath, referred to in Jeremiah. He stresses that there was no other why, seen in the answer to Jesus' cry for another way.


Thompson speaks on the reality of God's wrath, and that this is true justice. He reminds his listeners that people want justice in the world from Romans 3:21-36. He looks at propitiation in detail, to show that it was God at work to address his own wrath.


Thompson looks deeper at the power of Christ to save us from sin through his death, in Paul's letter to the Colossians. He shows that sin is forgiven, there is nothing that Satan can accuse us of. Thompson explains what it means for us to be in God's procession. He looks at the ways we can still fall into deceit, depite the victory of the cross. Thompson reminds his listeners that we do not need to be trapped in our thinking, as wisdom is only in Christ.


Thompson reminds his listeners that being unclean or defiled can not be taken lightly, and must be dealt with before people can approach God. Thompson looks at the role of Jesus as sacrifice and cleanser, mediator and redeemer as described in Hebrews 9:11-28.


Thompson speaks on the three trials surrounding Jesus' crucifuxion 1. The trial of Ciaphas 2. The trial of Peter 3. The trial of Judas


Thompson argues that if death is not addressed, then life has been for nothing. He shows that death is addresses and defeated in Matthew 27:57-28:15. 1. The physical body of Jesus matters 2. Jesus was very dead 3. Don't be afraid, go and tell


Thompson contrasts the death of Queen Elizabeth II to the account of Jesus' death in Matthew 27:27-54. He uses this to highlight the Christ's deliberate decision to save, despite the shame he endured. 2. God is at work when he seems absent 3. Access to God is only through Jesus


Thompson speaks on Jesus' arrest from Matthew 26:47-56. He shows that the passage can be summarised by the arrest of Jesus and the flight of the disciples, and explores these two actions.


Thompson looks at the different people who have been blamed for Christ's death throughout history, and compares this to Matthew's aim in Matthew 27:11-26 1. The silence of the king 2. The substitution of the criminal 3. The spinelessness of the governor


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