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Speaker expounds Psalm 110. He looks at how the verses from the Psalm are used in other parts of the Bible., Cassette label reads : "All Saints Anglican Church Parish Weekend 14-16 May 1999 Tape 2 Psalm 110"


Speaker details Psalm 2, comparing it to Psalm 1. He details the political context in the establishment and rule of David. Speaker details the history of Israel including both Israel's exile and Judah's exile to Assyria and Babylon. He looks at the impact of the Persians, followed by the rise of the Romans, especially Augustus. Speaker shows what Jesus' reign will be like from Isaiah 11, how it contrasts to the Pax Romana, and how that hope was still burning even if it seemed impossible., Cassette label reads : "All Saints Anglican Church Parish Weekend 14-16 May 1999 Tape 1 Psalm 2"


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