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In Folder: Chapel talks

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Shead speaks on God as creator from Jonah 1-2. He looks at the fear of God, what it looks like to escape from God's presence, and the parallels between Jonah and Jesus.


Shead explores the actions of the repentance of the Ninevites in Jonah 3. He explores the relationship between God's sovereignty and freedom. Shead compares the prayer of the king of Ninevah to Moses' prayer for Israel in Exodus 32.


Shead explores when we should be afraid and when we should be hopeful from Jeremiah 13:12-17., Delivered during the 2020 lockdown. Notification sounds throughout recording.


Shead looks at who we are, or the doctrine of humanity, from Jeremiah 16:19-17:18. Shead explains what the heart meant to the Ancient Israelites, before exploring the different types of hearts., Delivered during the 2020 lockdown.


Shead explores joy in Psalm 126. He explores both remembered and anticipated joy. Shead examines this physical, literal joy for Ancient Israel, and how this is different for us. He details the importance of prayer when there is no joy.


Shead expounds Jeremiah 13:1-11. He places the text in it’s historical context, and explores how the illustration reflects how Israel have treated the covenant., Delivered during the 2020 lockdown.


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