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In Folder: Southern Cross

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Anglicare urges caution on same-sex adoptions, Thy art in heaven! By Judy Adamson - on holiday kid's clubs, Scheme gives SRE a credibility boost - on professional training for Scripture teachers, Why our worlds should collide by Jeremy Halcrow - on supporting believers in the workplace, Don't spin out! Surviving the rise of the helicopter kids by Jim French, The all-of-life benefits of youth mentoring by Philip Jenkinson, 2010-08-01/2010-08-31


God's call: our vocation by Peter Jensen - on the power of the Word, Chinese churches farewell their "father" - on the death of BISHOP Yong Chen Fah, Opposition mounts to 'political' ethics move - on the tension over ethics classes in schools, Bishop Lee 'astounded' by new ideas - on leadership ideas for outreach, Get back your Christmas spirit by Andrew Cameron - on the real reason for Christmas and how we should honour Jesus at Christmas time, Is Australia being generous? by Andrew Robinson - on the Australian response to Aslyum seekers, Bets are off by Jeremy Halcrow - on gambling policies, Church v State Head to head on gambling reform by Jeremy Halcrow, When video games GO WRONG by Philip Jenkinson - on the impact of video game violence on children, 2010-12-01/2010-12-31


Ethics critics win SRE concessions, New head of CMS NSW - on the appointment of Malcolm Richards, Evangelism campaign saw "many successes" - on the Connect09 campaign, Enmore goes to the Goths by Andrew Buerger, Euthanasia sees thousands killed without consent by Amanda Perry, National Bible Society formed - on the formation of Bible Society Australia, The Cloud and its silver lining by Mark Hadley - on cloud technology, Hard work ahead on disability issues by Andrew Cameron, grief and resurrections by Gordon Cheng - on talking about death and grief, Safely to our journey's end by Andrew Robinson - on euthanasia, 2010-11-01/2010-11-30


NSW Health officially recognises chaplains by Judy Adamson, Indigenous ministry revamp, Afghan Christians plead for their lives by Andrew Buerger, Sometimes it's OK to talk about poo by Heather Veitch - on the importance of playgroups, Beat the housing squeeze by Jeremy Halcrow - on the lack of affordability in the Sydney housing market, Caring well by Angus Belling - on Anglicare's model for providing care, Saul : a test case for eternal security by Paul Williamson, Now they're speaking my language! by Martin Olmos - on the translation of the Preliminary Theological Certificate into Spanish and Chinese, Are we teaching that Christ is irrelevant clutter? by Trevor Cooling - on teaching Christ in Christian Schools, For Richer and Poorer by Andrew Robinson - on our relationship with material objects following the Global Finanical Crisis, 2010-10-01/2010-10-31


You must be born again! By Peter Jensen, Tribunal: deacons don't break bread - on the administration of the Lord's Supper, Anglicans suggest revamped SRE trial - on objections to ethics classes, "Connect09" comes to Kangaroo Is, Sex and our city by Jeremy Halcrow - on both the world's changing view and the Bible's view of sex, Keeping kids safe - on technology and child safety, The beating heart of church life by Mark Thompson - on the importance of church doctrine, Do we need transitional ministry? by Judy Adamson - on intentional locum ministry, 2010-09-01/2010-09-30


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