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Moore chapel talks

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In Folder: Raffell, Kanishka

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Raffel looks at the power of the word of God in 1 Kings 18. 1. Creek - God hides the prophet, the word of judgement 2. Cake - God sends his prophet, the word of grace 4. Corpse - God hears his prophet, the word of life


Raffel explores Romans 1:8-17 1. Paul's personality 2. Paul's eagerness 3. Paul's encouragement


Raffel explores four encounters Jesus has in Matthew 9:18-34 to show that the Kingdom of God has come near. 1. Raising of Jairus' daughter 4. Casting out of demons Jesus is the King of God's kingdom - there is nothing we can offer, but to offer people Christ is to offer the world. We are sent by the Lord of the Harvest, he will do it and he is doing it. We too must drink of the new wine that Jesus brings.


Raffel speaks on the power of the word of God from 1 Kings 17. He examines the different ways God shows his grace throughout this chapter. Raffel compares Elijah's cry to God to Jesus' comand to the rising of the widow's son.


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