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Calder, Mark

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Calder expounds Jesus' use of 'I AM' in John 10:1-18. He looks at the actions of Jesus and that this means that 'I AM' is laying down his life, voluntarily. Calder gives examples of people who are serving in Regional NSW, and encourages students who might be interested in this area.


Calder speaks on the health of the Bathurst Diocese, and calls for graduates to come to Bathurst. He looks at compassion from Matthew 14:13-21. He challenges the audience to consider what their compassion is like for those who have not heard the gospel, and for those who we might meet at inconvenient moments. Calder challenges them to ask for abundance to use for the gospel, and to rely on God for grace., Delivered during the 2021 covid lockdown.


Calder preaches on 2 Timothy 3 and 4, encouraging his audience to preach the word. Calder presents the sermon he preached at the ordination of candidates of the Bathurst Diocese. He looks at what it means to preach, why it matters to preach sound doctrine, and then how to do it., Sound is very soft.


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