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Aldis, John Arnold

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Speaks on Colossians 2:9-15 and that it is only Christ who makes us complete, because the fullness of God dwells in him. He explores what it means to be 'In Christ', and that it is only in him that we can find the fullness of life., Box label reads : "Series C3/tape 3 'Colossians' Side 1 : 'Is this your death and your resurrection?' Rev J. Aldis Side 2 : 'Mature in Christ - but how?' Rev G. Claydon", All Souls Church, London


Aldis speaks on the reasons that we should pray for others : 1. Scripture commands it 2. Who should I pray for? 3. Being irregular in prayer for people 4. What to pray 5. Pray for others in love and faith 6. Praying specifically, expectantly and with perserverance, Box label reads : "Series E5/Tape 3 'Prayer' Side 1 : 'Praying together - why bother?' Rev G. Claydon Side 2 : 'Praying for the needs of others' Rev J. Aldis", All Souls Church, London


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