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Goodhew introduces the conference, including the aim of the church into the future. Rayner address the Prime Minister, John Howard, and Opposition Leader Kim Beazley. He expresses the strength of the main political leaders going together to Port Arthur, and that this transcended politics. Rayner explores the importance of society being shaped by the Bible, and thanks the political leaders for their willingness to support this and seek bi-partisanship. Howard and Besaley address the Synod in relation to life in the 21st century., Cassette label reads : "National Anglican Conference 8-11 Feb 1997 Anglicans in Aust in the 3rd Millenium Australian National University - Canberra Plenary Session 1 Government and Politics in Contemporary Australia"


Cass looks at beinging Christians in both the public and private spheres. She looks at how we try to construct our private lives, both finding our identity in work, the importance of work for men, and the inter-dependance between the public and private spheres. Cass explores the changes in Australian society, especially the changes that have created inequality, and the tried but weaker policies in changing this. Cass explains the role and importance of providing financial support to the unemployed to tackling casualisation and unemployment. Cass speaks on the cultural differences that need to be considered when making policies, especially around the distribution of wealth. Disney speaks on moral issues within five areas within the public sphere - the economy, employment, education, urban environment, and the mass media. The economy - increased economic development will improve standards of living. Should flow to those with a low income. This is partly because we are close to ASia, but introducing Goods and Services tax (GST) will also help. Employment - worry is related to long-term unemployment, but an increase in full-time and part-time jobs, as well as those unemployed. Disney explores the impacts on taking leave, and flow-on effects. He makes some suggestions for change. Education - the importance of primary education for low SES areas. Urban environment - home ownership and the fall in the supply of public housing. Too much of the economy is spent on larger houses. Disney speaks on the reduction of public transport in new areas. He calls for more public transport, and a different view in some areas. Media - too much influence on policy making, which is dangerous. Disney makes suggestions that Christians/Anglicans can make, despite not being a believer himself., Cassette label reads : "National Anglican Conference 8-11 Feb 1997 Anglicans in Aust in the 3rd Millenium Australian National University - Canberra Plenary Session 2 Anglicans in context of Aust Society (session 1)"


Speaker explores the challenges of talking about 'Australians' as the nation becomes more diverse. He explores : Inter-generational diversity, including Baby Boomers, their parents, and the generations either side. He looks at both the differences and the similarities. Speaker looks at how all generations respond to insecurity and anxiety. Speaker looks at communication across generations and cultures. Speaker looks at tapestries made to reflect the role of women within the church., Introduction of talk is missing. Second half of talk is faint and has white noise throughout. Cassette label reads : National Anglican Conference 8-11 Feb 1997 Anglicans in Aust in the 3rd Millenium Australian National University - Canberra Plenary Session 3 Anglicans in context of Aust Society (session 2)"


Speakers explore the boundary between belief and unbelief, and the boundaries of diversity within the church. Speaker argues that Christians should not draw boundaries. Second speaker examines what belief means in a post-modern society, as lived out by society, and argues that Christianity is what connects us to the past, and transforms the future. He looks at the people in society that Anglican surveys miss, and are excluded by the church - prostitues, violence and drug dependants, to affirm our doctrine of humanity. He argues that the church needs to change their perspective of these groups, our assumption that church is for the middle-class. Speaker calls on the church to care for those in the darkness, and marginalised by mainstream society, as God is working in these area, and that the Bible reveals this to us. Third speaker explores the different ways people understand the term 'Anglican', and what makes a church a church. He illustrates this with the churches in the first century which had incorrect doctrine, and yet are still called a church by Paul. He stresses the importance of mutual respect amongst believers, even when there is disagreement., First part of talk 3 is missing. Cassette label reads : "National Anglican Conference 8-11 Feb 1997 Anglicans in Aust in the 3rd Millenium Australian National University - Canberra Plenary Session 4 Boundaries of our Anglican Identity"


Butler reads a Psalm. He explains that all attendants must take home a vision for the church, and how to overcome obstacles. Butler encourages the audience to consider what the vision is that they are taking back. Butler calls on four people to share their vision and obstacles in the area that they are serving in., Cassette label reads : "National Anglican Conference 8-11 Feb 1997 Anglicans in Aust in the 3rd Millenium Australian National University - Canberra Plenary Session 5 Vision of the future from peoplein the church"


Godfrey brings the main ideas from the conference together., Cassette label reads : "National Anglican Conference 8-11 Feb 1997 Anglicans in Aust in the 3rd Millenium Australian National University - Canberra Plenary Session 6 So what! Themes and inspirations of the conference"


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