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Chapel talks

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Manchester, Simon, 1953-

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Manchester looks at John 3 and Jesus' encounter with Nicodemus.


Manchester challenges his listeners to look at the account of the calming of the storm afresh in Mark 4:35-41 He has three points : 1. Don't you care? (mortality question) - Manchester examines Jesus' possible reasons for sleeping. 2. Don't you have faith? (Maturity) 3. Who is this? (Messianic)


Manchester speaks on the workload in ministry, and the distractions that can occur which can lead to damage, from Acts 6:1-7. He stresses the importance of having prayer and the Gospel as priority.


Manchester speaks on 2 Timothy 2:1-7. He shows that we are strengthened through God's grace. Manchester stresses the importance of relying on God. He details what it means to pray for strength. Manchester explores the things that we need God's strength for in ministry.


Manchester looks at being a listener in Jeremiah 23. 1. A contrast in origin - false prophets v from the Lord's Word. 2. A contrast in outcome - God's word does the work of feeding people, it saves not us.


Manchester explores the background to Colossians. He explores Paul's prayer for the Colossians from Colossians 1:9-14. Manchester stresses the importance of knowing both the general will of God, as well as his help in the particulars.


Manchester speaks on Daniel 2. 1. God is the only God who speaks 2. God is the only God who remains.


Manchester looks at what it means to find joy in the face of trials from James 1:1-18. He looks at trials as something which will build the muscles of faith. Manchester stresses that no temptation can be traced to God.


Manchester speaks on Philippians 3:17-21. He speaks on understanding the past to understand the future. He looks at two proofs of God's kindness : 1. Turning enemies to friends Enemies of the cross make Paul tearful, and who these people are - people who fight the message of the cross. He shows that these are religious people who add to Jesus for salvation. Wandering leads to death, but Jesus reconciles us to God, and he is all we need. 2. Taking people from earth to heaven Jesus promises to return and is a promise he will keep. Manchester shows that people are not speaking often enough on this, despite God being sovereign and will come back. He explains that Jesus is the only one who brings us hope.


Manchester explores Mark 6:14-29, including the immediate context and the importance of context. 1. The Lord's opportunity and a very slow man 2. The Lord's opportunity and a very quick woman


Manchester speaks on 2 Timothy 3:1-17. He uses the following structure: 1. The battle to be fought 2. The weapon to be used - the scriptures 3. The decision to be made


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