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In Folder: Chapel talks

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Athas expounds Deuteronomy 6. He examines Moses' warning against complacency, instead trusting that God has their best interest at heart. Athas explores the actions of Israel, including that by letting in foreign gods meant letting in foreign nations and the ultimate demise of Israel. He shows how easy it is for us to forget as well, and thus why it is important for us to remember what God has done for us.


Athas expounds Deuteronomy 13. He examines Israel's soft spots, that might lead Israel away, and how they should respond. Athas details the role of prophets in the ancient world, and the need to resist those that lead Israel away from Yahweh. Athas examines the pressure to compromise from friends and family. He explores the sentencing for those promoting idolism, and the level of idolism in Israel. Athas shows that revelation ceased with the coming of Christ.


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