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In Folder: Woodhouse, Rev Dr John

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Woodhouse explores what it means for something to be authenitc, and applies this to Christianity. He examines what is attractive about false Christianity. Woodhouse looks at Paul's appearance as an authentic Christian, and that authentic Christianity is received differently by those who accept Christ and those who reject him. Woodhouse shows that authentic christians are the evidence of authentic christianity, and that our competency comes from Christ. He encourages his audience not to be embarrassed by authentic Christianity, that is, faithful preaching., White noise and clouded voice in second half. Cassette label reads : "Authentic Christianity John Woodhouse 1994 KYC tape 598"


Woodhouse looks at accounts people share of witnessing God's power. He looks at the paradox of God's power, as it is made perfect in weakness. Woodhouse shows that if we are aware that God is working, we will be encouraged, and see that God is working through the spread of the gospel. Woodhouse explores Paul's stress on the truth of the gospel, and that lots of people will reject the truth. Woodhouse explores what gospel work is like, especially that the gospel is inside clay pots. Woodhouse shows that the eternal future is more important than the present., Beginning of talk is missing. Cassette label reads : "Paradox of power John Woodhouse 1994 KYC tape 599"


Woodhouse contrasts the world's idea of success and power with God's power. He uses the super-apostles in contrast to Paul to explain this. Woodhouse explains the structure of the letter, and the key information that Paul provides at the very beginning. He stresses that suffering is a part of following Jesus, and that this allows us to experience God's comfort and peace., Cassette label reads : "Power versus comfort John Woodhouse 1994 KYC tape 597"


Woodhouse explores how God deals with us from 2 Corinthians. He examines Paul's confidence in Jesus, and that this is because of Paul's perspective on death. Woodhouse expounds the imagery used for the desire for new life, both clothing and light, as we hear the gospel. Woodhouse stresses the importance of being changed by God's word, and that this should lead to persuading people of the gospel. He shows that this is in response to being aware of judgement., Second half of talk is clearer. Cassette label reads : "What matters now John Woodhouse 1994 KYC tape 600"


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