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Manchester, Simon

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In Folder: Crossroads Christian Church Canberra

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Manchester explains the structure of Colossians. He explains that the fullness of life is found in Jesus because all the fullness of the deity lives in him. His running theme is "The Christian is made for Christ". Manchester then explains how we get there by confession and then live that out - bow early before we are forced to bow. Jesus is Lord, and because he is Lord he is an excellent Saviour. When we are joined to Christ, we share in his death, burial and resurrection, so it is not wise to follow your emotions. Your enemy was killed when you came to Christ. Manchester speaks on the subject of freedom. He stresses that people should not be led away to being 'spirit centred' or experience centred rather than 'Christ-centred'. He encourages people to test things against scripture., Cassette label reads: "CCYC 1986 Talk 3 Simon Manchester 10/3/86"


Manchester speaks on Colossians 1:15-2:5., Cassette label reads : "Simon Manchester Colossians 1:15-2:5 'All the treasures' 518602"

Manchester stresses from the features of Paul's writing that believers have two addresses - one geographical and one spiritual. He explains the context and beginning of the church in Colossae. Manchester explains the Colossian heresy of adding to the gospel. Good reasons for joy - to hear the words Good and Faithful Servant. Good reasons for prayer - verses 9-14 Pray because someone needs help, where there is plenty of room for progress., Cassette label reads "CCYC 1986 Talk 1 Simon Manchester 10/3/86"


Manchester gives a recap of the previous talk. He explores how the truth is distorted by the devil, so that he specialises in half truths and dominant personalities. Manchester explains that the firstborn has the highest rank over creation. Manchester find Darwinian themes, Marxist themes and Freudian themes that stand against the gospel. He explores Paul the minister/servant. Some discussion of having the Spirit in us, and having the Spirit and the Word in the work in us. He encourages us to work in evangelism. We are people marked by the cross, not by the crown., Cassette label reads: "CCYC 1986 Talk 2 Simon Manchester 10/3/86"


Manchester talks on Colossians 3. He begins with the structure, and stresses the importance of Colossians 3:1-8. Manchester explains the difference between relationship and fellowship. He moves on to a sowing and reaping analogy, and the benefits of reaping in godly places for our character. All believers hunger for that relationship with Christ, so it is no surprise if you feel lost if you have neglected spending time with Christ. The new dangers: At the same time we should be trying to get rid of the things below by fighting the fight. Manchester gives reasons for being merciless with consuming sins: Christ is coming, the wrath of God is coming. He covers the sins of the mouth. Life in the loving congregation : Don't lie. Bear with one another. Be thankful., Cassette label reads: "CCYC 1986 Talk 4 Simon Manchester 11/3/86"


Applications of Colossians 3 - whatever we do is to be done in Jesus' name because he is the master. He looks at family relationships, workplaces and opportunites. Discusses the balance between being wise and cautious when witnessing. Discussion of workplace evangelism as indirect evangelism or responsive evangelism. Followed by Questions and Answers., Cassette label reads: "CCYC 1986 Talk 5 Simon Manchester 11/3/86"


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