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KLT Aug 09

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Talk explaining the experiences of people who come to Christ from Islam and Hinduism in some parts of the world. Run as part of Mission Week


Bible talk on the experiences of the Ancient Israelites in Egypt, in comparison to the experiences of believers in North Korea and surrounding areas. Part of Mission Week 2009


The speaker discusses repentance and faith as gifts, and the role that they play in sharing the gospel. He goes on to discuss the role of the Spirit in relation to guidance for Paul's trip to Jerusalem, and the knowledge that he will face suffering. He encourages his listeners to keep watch over the flock and over themselves. The gospel is the answer so be faithful to it. Passage is Acts 20:18-35


Talk on Joshua 6, the fall of Jehricho, by an army vetran.


Report from someone working amongst Muslim people. Workshop with participants for training students for working with Muslims using case studies. Run as part of Mission Week


Steel speaks on perservering in faith from Hebrews 12. He explains the examples that Hebrews uses of Old Testament believers who are examples of people who perservered. Steel then explores Jesus as an example of someone who perservered.


Cameron addresses the following points from Philippians 1 : Saints are all believers There is an overseer and some helpers in each small group Warm affection between Paul and the Philippians Philippians are in God's hands Praise for knowledge and discernment Application: God and Jesus offer grace and peace to everyone Differences are dwarfed by the enormity of God's grace Christendom is in good hands Pray for knowledge, insight and discernment to be found blameless


Brian talks on the importance of thankfulness to sustain a person in ministry.


Cameron talks about working out your salvation with fear and trembling from Philippians 2. He explores the examples given in Philippians, and then steps right back to Jesus. He addresses the complaining from this passage.


Lewis introduces himself and how he came to be interested in working with Jews. He explores how evangelicals interact with power and culture, and how their identity changed in the Victorian era of Britain's history. He explains the Balfour declaration and the commitment by the League of Nations to the Jewish people. A summary of Lord Shaftsbury and his reforms are included. Definitions are provided for Christian Zionist. Questions and Answers throughout. Lewis explains the impact of the Reformation. Summaries are included of people who made significant contributions to the spread of the gospel to Jews in this period, as the circles that they were moving in were filled with wealthy Jews. Overiding theme is the evanglism of Jews, especially by Jewish Christians, and how this led to or made use of Zionism.

2009-08-01/ 2009-08-31

Recording of a connection event between chaplaincy groups and students. There is a speaker from a hospital, school, the defence force, and sports chaplaincy. The session is followed by Questions and Answers., Note that the sound is quite soft.


Windsor gives a quick description of his background. He then explores what motivates him to continues to motivate him for global mission work, in addition to the Great Commission in Acts. This includes the Mission of God, The origins of humanity, The oneness of the Church, The prospect of heaven. Windsor then shares some of the specific work that the organisation Langham is doing. Includes a question time.

2009-08-01/ 2009-08-31

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