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Frost, Michael

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Crossroads Christian Church Canberra

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Frost looks at the ways people come to know Christ. Effective people will come to attention to the grace of God, and the many ways God reveals himself. He stresses the importance of slowing down and ensuring that we have made space for God. Frost explores the importance of being dedicated to reality. Frost explores the importance of twice-born faith, and how much stronger faith is after we have gone through times of difficulty. He shows how this makes us grateful and can make sense of the world. Frost stresses that we should be devoted to Christ and spending time in his word. He explores Luke 8 and the contrast between Jairus, who has to humble himself, and the bleeding woman, who is dignified., Cassette label reads : "'Characteristics of a leader' address by Michael Frost (both sides)"

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