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In Folder: Chapel talks

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Orr reminds his audience that Paul's goal is that his readers might have the character of Christ formed in them. He compares Galatians 5:22-26 to Isaiah 32. He explores the character of the characteristics of the Lord Jesus, and thus characteristics that we should be displaying., Delivered during the 2020 lockdown


Orr speaks on freedom from Galatians 5:13-15. He looks at the context of these verses. Orr explores what Paul says about freedom, including : 1. The possibility of mis-directed freedom 2. Submitting to one another in love 3. True freedom fulfils the law, Delivered during the 2020 lockdown


Orr explores what it means to walk by the Spirit including not submitting to the flesh and that this is quite difficult., Delivered during the 2020 lockdown


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