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Stewart, Alan, 1959-

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Stewart explores why Jacob, as the chosen twin, suffered. He gives a summary of Jacob's life in Genesis. He warns against moralising, and instead reading the passage in it's context, as well as the story of the Bible. Stewart highlights God's sovereignty in our everyday lives and works in them, even through our sin. Stewart gives an the overview of Jacob's life, and explores Jacob's death. He shows how God has changed and humbled Jacob through all his suffering. Stewart examines the promises made/renewed to Jacob. Jacob struggles for what Esau through away - for God's blessing, but that he recognised the importance of God's blessing. He explains how to respond to the Kingdom of God, and how valuable it is., Some echo. Cassette label reads : "Jacob - the conman's conversion 1997 KEC Alan Stewart"




Stewart explores how much our inheritance in heaven shapes our lives now. He uses Esau in Genesis 25 to explore how people and reject inheritance from God. 1. How did the loss happen? - selling the birthright and deception. Stewart explores the stolen blessing. He shows how God works through our sin, and yet God is still in control. Speaker looks at how the New Testament uses this passage. 2. What we can learn about it - we all want to be a god, which is sin. Only God can bring people back to him, showing God's sovereignty. He stresses that it is amazing that God chooses anyone. 3. Implications - Respond with rejoicing, only those chosen by God will believe. He shows our inablity to wait for things, and that we seek satisfaction now. Stewart explores the things that can draw people away from God., Cassette label reads : "Easu - Selling your soul for soup Alan Stewart 1997 KEC"


The Bible Talks - St Matthias church


Originally delivered 1992-06-11


Sermon given at St Matthias church


The Bible Talks - St Matthias church


St Matthias at Sydney Girls' High School


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