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Robinson, Donald William Bradley Abp , 1922-2018

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In Folder: R

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Delivered by Bishop D.W.B. Robinson

2.30pm, Visitor, Visiting Preacher, Visiting Speaker


Careful exegesis of Romans 2 based on the Greek Text


Donald Robinson is thanked for his service at the Inter-Varsity Fellowship conference. He answers some questions from the question box. Robinson explores the Christian life/the life of freedom in relation to the law, as the law of Christ. Robinson looks at what it means to performing the law with the assistance of the Spirit. Robinson explores the tension between the Jews and Gentiles over the law, and that it is not needed in physical observance. He applies this to his context of building up brothers and the others in general., Some distortion throughout. Reel label reads : "60 min W/O prayer and BR"




8.00pm, Training, Knots Untied, Wed Night at Christ Church


Jhn 1:1-14, 7.30pm, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas


Robinson speaks on Colossians 1:15-23. He continues to explore Paul's definition of the gospel. Robinson explores Paul's prayer for the Colossians, especially that the Gentiles have been qualified for inheritance because of Jesus. Robinson explains the reconciliation of the Gentiles. He explores God's creative ability and his wisdom. Robinson examines some other uses of wisdom in the Bible. Robinson speaks on the role of the church, within the context of the New Creation. He speaks on how everything is fulfilled in Christ - who God is, his promises etc., Reel box reads : "S. School '73 - tape 4 A. Colossians 1:1-14 - Canon D Robinson B. Colossians 1:15-23"


Robinson speaks on Colossians 2:8-3:4? Introduction says 3:18-4:6, but talks suggests 2:8-3:4. He examines Paul's advice to the Colossians, placing it back in the original context. Questions : 1. What is happening? 2. What is the parallel situation for us? - Greeks and Jews Robinson looks at the instructions in their Jewish culture to understand the passage, and Paul's concern that Jewish practise will feed into the believers. Robinson explains the elemental principles of the world and how this is in contrast to living for Christ, for both Jews and Gentiles., Reel box reads : "S. School '73 Tape 6 A. Colossians 3:5-15 B. Colossians 2:8-3:4"


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