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Chapel 2019

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In Folder: Chapel talks

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Loane considers fear from Psalm 114. He looks at the message for Ancient Israel of remember where you are, remember how you got there, and remember where you came from. Loane then applies these same categories to New Testament readers.


Bray expounds Psalm 145:14. He shows the power of Jesus' forgiveness, and explains the importance of meeting people where they are at and not where we want them to be. Bray reminds his listeners that we contribute nothing, that God has done it all, and wants us to live for and with him for eternity.


Bale explores 2 Thessalonians 1:8-12. He explores Paul's argument for God being just, including the role of suffering in preparation for God's glory and coming judgement. Bale looks at the indicators of whether someone knows the Lord, and what Christ's return will mean for them both then and now.


Polous expounds 2 Corinthians 2, stressing that Paul is an apostle and is our apostle. He then looks at how to assess a ministry.


Earngey speakes on 2 Timothy 1:15-18. He shares discipling experiences, as well as the challenges of those who desert their faith. Earngey explores how Paul is refreshed by the visit of Onesiphorus, and gives some contemporary examples of the same.


Loane speaks on relating to God from Exodus 27. He provides background to the passage, and explores the significance of the set-up of the tabernacle. Loane shows how this points both to Jesus on earth, and then to Revelation.


Polous expounds 1 Corinthians 4:1-7. He looks at the dangers of judgementalism. He looks at : 1. What to judge 2. How we judge 3. What we boast about


Athas expounds Ecclessiastes 3:16-22. He looks at criminal activity in the world and the damage it can do. Athas looks at the preacher's motivation and conclusions relating to suffering, and then how Jesus is the solution to the preacher's dilehemas.


Kuhn reads Ecclesasties 3:1-11. Speaker then address the passage, including who the author might be, the Greek term, and explores the content of the passage.


Orr expounds 2 Corinthians 10:1-8. He looks at Paul's agenda in preaching the gospel and challenging the super-apostles in this passage. He looks at the authority of both Paul, and in Christian ministry generally. Constructional teaching involves necessary warfare against false teaching, but also building people up by building people up by being gentle, including our opponents.


Manchester looks at being a listener in Jeremiah 23. 1. A contrast in origin - false prophets v from the Lord's Word. 2. A contrast in outcome - God's word does the work of feeding people, it saves not us.


Orr looks at how a modern preacher can enable the audience to see Jesus, or consider the presence of Christ. He shows that this question pre-supposes that Christ is physically absent from us, and the tension between Christ's presence and absence. Orr looks at how preaching relates to the presence of Christ, both his active and passive presence, enabled through preaching. He stresses the dynamic of 'Christ through me' - Christ is working through his apostles and Christians more generally. Orr considers what it means to be transformed by seeing, and the visual language used for a spoken message. He shows that through the Spirit we see Jesus. Talk is followed by questions and answers.


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