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Library Lecture

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In Folder: Moore College Digital Media and Resources

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Library Day 2021


The legacy of Broughton Knox

Chairman: Principal Peter Jensen


Moore College Library Lecture 1989

Talks given at the 150th anniversary celebrations

Moore College Library Lecture 2007

Moore College Library Lecture 2010

A conference held at Moore College on Thursday, July 7th, 2011 to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the King James Version of the Bible. The conference was the Moore College Library Lecture 2011. Speakers: Prof Mark Strauss - Bethel Seminary, San Diego Prof Diane Speed - Dean and CEO, Sydney College of Divinity Dr Greg Clarke - CEO, Bible Society Dr John Harris - Historian and Consultant Bible Translator Dr Michael Jensen - Moore College Dr Greg Anderson - Moore College, Simplicity and integrity: the King James Version of the Bible in the church and the world

Thomas Cranmer Seminar 2006

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