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Centre for Christian Living audio talks

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In Folder: Centre for Christian Living

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Payne explores what Christian community really is, and the challenges of Christian community. He stresses that we belong to one another only and solely through Christ.


Reist explores what pornography is, how it is affecting children, men and women.


Kuhn introduces the topic and speakers. Morris explains where medical technology currently stands. Best explains the history around bioethics, embryos and the dangers around this thinking. Panel discussion around IVF, Christian ethics, and making counter-cultural choices. Talk is followed by question and answer.


Ash explores how society's view on sex has changed. He details how we come to think about the world and how this shapes our thinking. Ash examines how we are convicted of sin, and of the need to pray that society will be challenged. He stresses the need to model godly marriage, and reminds them always to leave room for the grace of God.


Bolt looks at the strengths and morality and the damaging effects of being a moralist. Bolt examines how the gospels bring change in the human heart, by being in relationship with God through Jesus. He looks at the role of the Word to change both us and tradition. Talk is followed by questions and answers.


Centre for Christian Living event. Part 1 was given by David Hohne and part 2 was given by Tony Payne


Payne introduces the Centre for Christian Living.


Kallahan argues that religious freedom is a human right. He explores the history of human rights. Kuhn explores some deeper cultural issues. Kuhn argues that God made humans with agency and dignity. He explores how God gives grace to all of his creation, and that if life is taken, life is required. Kuhn explores the relationship, or separation, between church and state. Talk is followed by Q&A.


Payne encourages the listeners to look at the issue carefully, in the same way as any other issue, reflecting on what the Bible has to say, and then looking at some practical implications. Windsor looks at our relationship with the world, both in caring for it, filling it and managing it. He argues that living for Jesus and putting off greed will be beneficial for the environment.


Questions and answers relating to the CCL event Is God Green


Kern explores how it is possible for us to be forgiven and counted as righteous, through the death of Jesus. Kern explores the relationship between forgiveness and justice/judgement. Raffel details the parable of the disloyal servant to explore forgiveness. Talk is followed by question and answer.


Windsor explores how, when we learn Christ, we learn a new self, including a new way to speak. He applies this to social media and the online world. Windsor shows that all believers should be ready to act as God's social media, to speak the truth in the context of love. He highlights the benefits of social media to create connectedness and thus to speak the truth into these settings. Windsor presents some ideas for speaking the truth in love in social media.


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