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Centre for Christian Living audio talks

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In Folder: Centre for Christian Living

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Payne introduces the event. He then explores the power of words and how they are perceived and used by society. Payne argues against this to show that there is order to the world and is not accidental, is really here and that God is really here. Payne looks at how we respond to God's word, and that we can build a life on God's word, because it orientates us to God's purpose, and thus we can direct people to this because it directs people to something that is really there.


Questions and answers relating to the CCL event Learning to speak Christian in an online world.


Ford explores the history of ethical issues to explain what bioethics is. He explores the shift from curing disease to changing what we are as humans. Ford explores how a relationship with God changes how we think about our limits. Ford examines how we should think about suffering and that it is part of being human. Ford answers questions from the floor in an biblical ethics framework.


Earngey introduces the night. Dudley speaks on the joy of kids and youth ministry. Earngey looks at passing on the faith, both throughout the Bible and in the present. Ruth explores points in history when the church reconsiders how to share the gospel with the next generation, including Sunday Schools. Panel discussion about raising kids. Questions


Grant looks at disagreeing whilst still treating others with dignity. He examines what marriage is and why this matters. Grant shows that children are not just an after-thought, and explains the Biblical view of marriage. He presents some arguments of why this view is beneficial for all of society. Grant reminds his listeners that the best advertisements for marriage are those who live it out.


Payne looks at the history of the same-sex revolution and it’s relationship to the sexual revolution in the 1960s. Payne considers what sex is and what it is for, and that it is created by God. He explains why other types of sexual sin violates God's design for sex. Payne explains that we are at risk of being conformed by the world, and instead be transformed by the Gospel. He highlights some passages from 1 Peter to assist in living in a hostile world.


Questions following the session on Redefining Marriage.


Audio of talk by Phillip Jensen at CCL evening seminar, Q&A session with Tony Payne, and accompanying handout.


Cameron speaks on the relationship between Christianity and ethics. He details what Christianity really is, that God is merciful, has made a way for us to be saved and there is nothing that we can do to be saved. He then links this to ethics as we no longer have to focus on our performance, and that this is communal, not individual. Cameron explores humility, and that the cross enables humility to occur.

not after 2015

Centre for Christian Living event. Part 1 was given by Chase Kuhn, Part 2 by Peter Orr, and a Q&A session was held with Chase Kuhn, Peter Orr and Tony Payne


Talk given by Os Guinness at a CCL evening seminar, Q&A with Tony Payne and vote of thanks from Tony Payne and Michael Kellahan of Freedom for Faith.


Centre for Christian Living event held at St Cuthbert's Naremburn Cammeray


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