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Annual Moore College Lectures

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Professor Kevin J. Vanhoozer Research Professor of Systematic Theology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, will deliver the Annual Moore College Lectures 2015 on the five solas of the Reformation. He will address our topic over one night and five mornings. The five solas (or five "alones") are five phrases that emerged in the Protestant Reformation to summarise the Reformers' understanding of the essentials of Biblical Christianity. This series will examine the meaning of these phrases and show how they remain vital for Christian life and witness in today's world. Friday 7 August Evening lecture, 8.00pm Should the church repent or retrieve the Reformation? Secularism, skepticism, and schism, oh my! Monday 10 - Friday 14 August Morning lectures, daily, Mon: 10.00am, Tues - Fri: 9.00am MONDAY: Sola gratia "By grace alone": retrieving the mere Protestant ontology, economy, and teleology of the gospel TUESDAY: Sola fide "Through Faith Alone": retrieving the mere Protestant principle of authority (and epistemology) WEDNESDAY: Sola scriptura "According to Scripture Alone": retrieving the mere Protestant pattern of authority THURSDAY: Solus Christus "In Christ Alone": the royal priesthood of all believers FRIDAY: Sola Dei gloria "For the glory of God Alone": the wealth of holy nations

AMCL 2016 - Death and the Life Hereafter



AMCL 2021



Originally delivered 1993-01-01


Originally delivered 1993-01-01


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