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In Folder: Moore College Digital Media and Resources
Delivered by Moore College faculty member Mark Thompson, this series of lectures has been published by the New Studies in Biblical Theology series.
Delivered by Moore College faculty member Andrew Shead
Delivered by Brian Rosner. The problem with understanding Paul and the law is that Paul's letters present both negative critique and positive approval of the law. These lectures propose a hermeneutical solution to this puzzle. Rather than asking "which bits" of the law Paul endorses, it is more accurate to consider Paul's negative response to "the law as commandments," as well as his positive response to "the law as prophecy" and "the law as wisdom". This construal finds support not only in what Paul says about the law, but also in what he doesn't say and in what he does with the law. And it highlights the value of the law for preaching the gospel and for Christian ethics.
Delivered by Dr Chris Green. Good preaching is more than historical revelation, skilled oration, or the ability to give multimedia presentations. Rather it is the present Word of God to His people. Rev Chris Green, Oak Hill Theological College, London will deliver the annual Moore College Lectures for 2012 on preaching. Chris has specific responsibility at Oak Hill for preaching training. He is the Vice Principal and previously was the pastor of a church in south London. His main area of interest is ministry and preaching.
Dr Bill Salier will present the annual Moore College Lectures 2013 on John's Gospel. This series of public lectures aims to survey the whole Bible's teaching on the 'world' as the context for God's people living lives filled with faith, hope and love. In contemporary society we are challenged to work out what it is to live out Christian faith in this world. A number of questions are raised. What in the world does it mean when Christians pray for strength in the world? What in the world is the world? What in the world is the problem for Christian faith? What in the world does it mean when Christians warn about worldliness? What in the world does it mean for faith to conquer the world? What in the world is the Christian's response to the world? What in the world does God think about all this?
Professor Michael S Horton from Westminster Seminary California will present the annual Moore College Lectures in 2014. Thursday 14 August 2014 - How the Spirit Changes Everything Public Evening lecture, 8:00 pm (duration for 90 minutes-120 minutes including question time) Monday 18 - Friday 22 August 2014 - Morning lectures Monday 10:00 am, Tuesday - Friday 9:00 am (duration for 120 minutes including question time) Lecture 1: Lord and Giver of Life Lecture 2: The Spirit of Christ Lecture 3: The Spirit of Holiness Lecture 4: The Spirit and the Bride Lecture 5: The Age of the Spirit