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Chapel 2017

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In Folder: Chapel talks

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Wu looks at the terminology used for Israel's leadership, including King, Priest, Prophet and Judge. He explains that the role of all these offices is to lead the people in righteousness. 1. The King 2. The Priest 3. The Prophet


Lewers looks at our past mistakes affect our present life, looking specifically at King David and his mistakes, and how these affected his life. He expounds Psalm 63. 1. The psalm is a prayer 2. God is glorious Lewers constrasts Absolom and David, and what they are seeking. He looks at what David meditates on, especially at night.


Helm speaks on God's vision is for the future from Revelation 14. He looks at having a vision focused on God's glory and the return of Christ. Helm explores what we learn about the role of angels, and what we learn from the angels.


Taylor compares righteousness by faith and by works from Romans 3.


Shead speaks on false teaching from Jeremiah 8, and the importance of teaching faithfully.


Harrington expounds Matthew 6. He explores how to be generous without boasting. Harrington works through the Lord's Prayer, including relying on God in everything, and forgiving others, especially our enemies, because God has forgiven us. He presents this question as those we find hard to love.


Shead looks at why we read the Bible alone, when there is no one to speak on it, from Jeremiah 8. He clarifies when Jeremiah is speaking and when God is speaking. Shead looks at repsonding appropriately to God's judgement, including the response of false teachers and the human response of selfishness. Shead looks at the emotion of Jeremiah, and how he reflects God's emotions.


Thompson explores trusting in the providence of God, and why we can find this hard at times. He examines God's providence in Matthew 2 under the following headings : 1. The flight 2. The fury 3. The family home Thompson then looks at how these events fulfill prophesy.


Barthgate speaks on fear from Matthew 10:16-33. He looks at the fear we can feel in relation to mission, for being a believer, and going into overseas mission. Barthgate shows that we have forgotten how to fear God, and what it means to fear God.


Wu speaks on Deuteronomy 32-33. 1. Treasure God's goodness 2. Tremble at his justice 3. Trust in God's grace


Hohne speaks on the promise from 1 Corinthians 15:20-28. He shows that 1. Forgveness is embedded in the story of God's relationship with his kinsmen redeemer 2. opposition to God's promise that makes death the final enemy 3. The defeat of death is far less about our demise, and far more about God and his glory


Thompson looks at how we choose dangerous things but convince ourselves that we are safe, including the word of God. He explains that our attitude to the word is flawed, and is in all of us. Thompson focuses on the instructions around anger.


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