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Chapel 2017

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In Folder: Chapel talks

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Shead expounds on Jeremiah 10. He looks at God's warning not to copy the nations, including avoiding idols.


Thompson speaks on the topic of divorce from Matthew 5:31-32. He looks at the ways the Pharisees rationalised the law. Thompson looks at what is described as inappropriate sexual behaviour, and that there is always sin involved in a divorce. Tooher speaks about the experience of divorced people.


Thompson speaks on the Kingdom of heaven and entering it from Matthew 5:27-30. He looks at the example of adultery and lust, where, again, purity involves the eyes and heart, not just the hands. Thompson looks at the weight that the bible places on sexual immorality. Thompson reminds the audience that Jesus offers forgiveness.


Thompson shows that there is a lie behind every temptation. He then looks at the temptations faced by Jesus in Matthew 4:1-11. Thompson shows that this must happen after the baptism because Satan is challenging the Spirit. Thompson briefly expounds the three tests.


Grimmond looks at wat we do and don't know about the context of 2 Corinthians 1:11-2:17. He explains that we don't need all the details to understand the key issue of Paul's relationship with the Corinthians, and that Paul's integrity is the same as the gospel's, which he has been charged to take to them. Grimmond looks at the constant pressures to hide the gospel, but that we must trust the gospel and spur each other on.


Thompson speaks on the baptism of Jesus and what makes it significant to us in understanding salvation from Matthew 3:13-17. 1. Jesus' ministry, from the very start, was conducted in submission to the Word of God 2. Jesus' ministry involves solidarity with those he came to save 3. Jesus ministry was, and is always the ministry of the Beloved Son


Bathgate speaks on 2 Corinthians 5:9-11. He looks at Paul's fear of God and how this motivates him. 1. Paul's ministry is not for his own fame 2. For other's salvation - to find true freedom in Christ Bathgate looks at this on the levels of the world, Australia, Sydney, our family.


Raffel speaks on the power of the word of God from 1 Kings 17. He examines the different ways God shows his grace throughout this chapter. Raffel compares Elijah's cry to God to Jesus' comand to the rising of the widow's son.


Thompson looks at what it means to be blessed from Matthew 5.


Tong looks at the danger of grumbling or complaining, expounding Acts 6 and the priorities of the apostles. Tong challenges the audience to consider if they believe the word is effective. He reminds them that we need to pray, and that prayer should come before our own decisions. Tong looks at how the spirit changes us, starting with our willingness to serve.


Thompson speaks on Psalm 100 at the 2017 Final Friday. He encourages the students to get excited again about Jesus, reminding them that their hope is anchored in Christ. Thompson explains the structure of the book of Psalms, as well as the structure of Psalm 100. He challenges them to always delight in the privledge of knowing Christ., Final Friday 2017


Harrington speaks on Matthew 6. He looks at what it means and how to live a righteous life. 1. Remember one thing - that your father sees 2. Do one thing - in secret


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