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Chapel 2020

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Earngey speaks on 2 Timothy 2:1-13. He explores ministry goals, and the endurance required and supplied for ministry. Earngey speaks on enduring together in ministry, with direct application for the Moore community., Delivered during the 2020 covid pandemic.


Bale looks at Jesus' encounter with people with faith in Luke 7:1-10. He explores what we learn about faith, encouraging his listeners to base their faith in humility.


Kuhn speaks on the relationship between church and state from 1 Peter 2:13-17. He explores the importance of desiring the good of society, and not to think that we are above the law., Talk given between the Sydney lockdowns of 2020 and 2021


Kuhn addresses the racial uprisings in Australia and America. He shows that all lives matter to God from 1 Timothy 2:1-7. Kuhn stresses the importance of praying for our civic leaders, so that believers can live peaceful and quiet lives, and can continue to evangelise. He highlights both God's exclusive and inclusive nature. Kuhn warns against speaking just to be seen, and instead advises prayer., Talk given between the Sydney lockdowns and during the Black Lives Matter protests of 2020


Bale speaks on hope from Luke 7:1-10. He explores the raising of the son of the woman from Nain, showing that Jesus is God.


Shead explores joy in Psalm 126. He explores both remembered and anticipated joy. Shead examines this physical, literal joy for Ancient Israel, and how this is different for us. He details the importance of prayer when there is no joy.


Bale explores what causes a Christian person to love God from Luke 7:36-50. He challenges his audience to consider if our love from God comes from thankfulness that God has dealt with us out of mercy. Bale explores Jesus' actions in this passage, and what it teaches us about both Jesus and us.


Hohne recaps earlier talks. He speaks on 1 Thessalonians 1, and that the dead will not miss out. Hohne speaks against materialistic culture, and warns against confusing the pandemic with Christ's resurrection. Serving with a unique message, we serve with a unique purpose., Spoken during the 2020 pandemic.


Hohne explores Psalm 13. He examines waiting on God, and receiving silence., Talk given between the two Sydney lockdowns of 2020 and 2021.


Orr reminds his audience that Paul's goal is that his readers might have the character of Christ formed in them. He compares Galatians 5:22-26 to Isaiah 32. He explores the character of the characteristics of the Lord Jesus, and thus characteristics that we should be displaying., Delivered during the 2020 lockdown


Barnett speaks on John 21:15-19. He presents his reasoning for thinking this passage was a part of the original text. He explores Peter's life after Jesus' death, his role in the spread of the gospel, and the nature of Peter's death. Barnett shows that it was Peter's willingness to repent that made him the leader amongst the disciples/apostles.


Earngey looks at 2 Timothy 3:1-17. He encourages his listeners to be ministry realists. This includes the reality of persecution. He argues that the Bible is th emost powerful thing that we need in evangelism., Delivered during the 2020 covid pandemic.


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