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Chapel 2020

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In Folder: Chapel talks

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Orr speaks on freedom from Galatians 5:13-15. He looks at the context of these verses. Orr explores what Paul says about freedom, including : 1. The possibility of mis-directed freedom 2. Submitting to one another in love 3. True freedom fulfils the law, Delivered during the 2020 lockdown


Hohne speaks on 1 Thessalonians 1:9-10. He explores the faith that is laudible in being preserved, under the heading of turning. Hohne examines what it meant for the Thessalonians to turn to God from idols, and how this applies to western culture in turning from our idols. Hohne explores God's judgement, especially against idolatry, and the position of covid 19., Talk given between the two Sydney lockdowns of 2020 and 2021.


Orr explores what it means to walk by the Spirit including not submitting to the flesh and that this is quite difficult., Delivered during the 2020 lockdown


Shead expounds Jeremiah 13:1-11. He places the text in it’s historical context, and explores how the illustration reflects how Israel have treated the covenant., Delivered during the 2020 lockdown.


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