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Chapel 2017

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In Folder: Chapel talks

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Tong speaks on Acts 6:8-7:53. He looks at when Stephen knew he was in trouble - the response of the Sanhedrin to Stephen's speech. Tong shows that opposition to Christians is opposition to Christ. Tong shares some real examples of ways believers have responded to opposition. He shows that we can only stand firm if Christ is emblazoned on our hearts.


Thompson speaks on Psalm 100 at the end of year service. He looks at why we sing, why we have reasons for joy. Thompson looks at why it is still right to rejoice despite the world around us.


Johnston speaks on the importance of living a holy life, as a priesthood, and not as our property from 1 Peter 2:9-10. It frees us from thinking : a) The people are our property b) We are the people's property


Gibson looks at the relationship between faith and works from James 2:14-26. He shows that faith must be active, as intellectual faith is dead and does not lead to action, but active faith leads to works, giving to examples in both Abraham and Rahab.


Manchester looks at John 3 and Jesus' encounter with Nicodemus.


Taylor speaks on Isaiah 35 and apocolypse. He examines : 1. Baroness becomes fruitfulness 2. Brokeness becomes wholeness. 3. Exiles return home Taylor puts the passage in it's historical context, and then it's biblical context.


Shead speaks on Jeremiah 10, looking at 4 condemnations of idols, followed by 4 exhortations of the one true God. Shead puts the passage back in it's original context (hermeneutics) in order to understand it.


Helm speaks on the idea of vision and Jesus controlling vision from Revelation 14. He reminds his listeners that angel means 'messenger', and that they have a ministry of the word, to be God's messengers.


Matthei looks at the place of the law in the life of a believer. He explores the origin of the law in the Old Testament, including : the use of the word 'offspring' the covenant came before the law Matthei then looks at the purpose of the law, that it was added because of human sin and imprisoned people in it in order to limit damage. However, that imprisonment was limited until the coming of Christ.


Raffel looks at the power of the word of God in 1 Kings 18. 1. Creek - God hides the prophet, the word of judgement 2. Cake - God sends his prophet, the word of grace 4. Corpse - God hears his prophet, the word of life


Thompson speaks on whether or not we still need the law and the Old Testament now that Jesus has come from Matthew 5. He expounds Jesus' statement that he has come to fulfill the law, not abolish it.


Wheeler shows that we hold on to the truth in order to be lights in a dark world. He looks at three truth from Romans 8 1. No condemnation 2. No comparison 3. No separation


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